Princess Theradras changes, no longer kiteable

Agreed. The way I see it, the Authentic experience shouldn’t be a buggy exploity mess that was a company’s first attempt at a MMORPG. The Authentic Experience should be content as it was intended to be. This means fixing exploits, fixing bugs, and balancing things so they are experiences in a manner that was originally intended.

They did this with the Everquest progression servers. Where raid bosses saw their difficulty increased. The reason being was twofold. They were running on an updated client from launch. And players were much more educated to the encounters than they were in 1999.

So while raid bosses seeing their health increased by 5-8x, their damage increased by 2x, and mitigation making their encounters take minutes instead of seconds was not the ‘Classic’ authentic expectation. It preserved the difficulty that people originally experienced.

The same should be done with WoW Classic. If bosses like Princess are being exploited by solo players to make large sums of gold. It should be fixed. Princess Theradras is not just some mob that should be farmed effortlessly. It should be a respected encounter that is challenging. A level 51 boss should be treated like a 51 boss. Sure you won’t need a full group at 60, but definitely more than one.

I’d like to see more changes come especially for the endgame raids. And this is all for WoW Classic, not some millennial coined + thing. Base WoW Classic. It should be increased in difficulty so we experience the same difficulty we experienced in 2004. Even though we’re smarter and better now.

We can handle a challenge. Its not going to break anything. And no one is going to quit over it. No one quits over exploits being plugged. That simply doesn’t happen.

“Warts and all”

Yep I recently paid someone 25g to get me that ring, they did it solo.

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It is not an exploit. I used to solo farm her for gold on my shadow priest back in the true vanilla days.

I have been planning on farming her once I hit 60.

Dire maul tomorrow, you might have a better option then.

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Being able to solo the endboss of a reasonably high level instance should indeed be considered an exploit - unless every class can do it.

Besides, Blizzard fixed instances of this (hunters soloing stuff) happening in later expansions… like adding an enrage timer to that one boss in BWL in Cataclysm.

Wow. This logic lead to the homogenization of the game.

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No, that’s stupid. It’s quite possible to stop this without doing a thing to change Hunters or Warlocks.

As mentioned in my last post, they stopped 1 instance of it by simply adding an enrage timer to a boss that didn’t have one. It changed nothing about the encounter because the mechanics to kill the boss only lasted like half the time of the 15 minute enrage timer they added, and it changed nothing about the class.

So, for instance, if they made it so this boss dropped zero loot unless killed in a group… well, that doesn’t lead to homogenization at all, does it?

Why stop it? Should they also stop Rogues from pickpocketing BRD for making money, since only they can do it? Soloing Princess is one of the greatest solo strengths of Warlock/Hunter and it’s completely unfair to suggest they shouldn’t be able to do it.

Removing unique aspects of classes is homogenization.

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Fine, then let’s do what I said and change the boss so she drops nothing when killed solo.

It’s not homogenization because you’d still be able to do it.

Besides which, it’s idiotic to suggest that the ability to solo Princess is somehow a defining characteristic of these classes.

Or how about you stop whining and asking for changes.


Tied mobs are broken also. It’s how me and a hunter 2 manned Dimetria in EPL. Her 8 (I think) adds should of stayed with her while she was kited, but they instead reset. Saw someone use that method on the scarlet courier as well.

That’s untrue, you can kite her using the rocks. A little game of ring around the rosey.

Ah, so you have no counterargument to that… which means this has nothing to do with homogenization and everything to do with you not wanting to lose your easy gold farm.

Suck it up, Princess.

Nerfing a way for a class to make gold because not everyone can do it is a bad change and a way to try and homogenize classes so one class doesn’t have benefits.

You’re the one who has to suck it up, 'cause the farm is there to stay.

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i already got my epic mount from farming her and the goblin so…grats on being bad? when dire maul comes out tomorrow, you will be able to do solo tribute runs that get even more gold so stop crying.

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Well some peopke will. If someones having such a big issue with her i dont see them doing DM any better.

Changing the boss doesn’t homogenize anything, sorry. You’re misusing a buzz word to try and generate outrage.

And stop being an idiot. “Able to solo dungeon bosses” isn’t a benefit any sane person lists on Hunters or Warlocks. Over the course of WoW there have been VERY few instances where this could even happen. When it does it’s an oversight, not a class benefit.

You’re probably right that they won’t remove it - and I play a Warlock, so that doesn’t exactly hurt me.

But I think overall it’s crap, and I think the “nochanges” camp is full of absolute nonsense. For the most part, it seems like they just want to stop the removal of bugs and exploits so they can benefit from them. That’s pure selfishness and greed, nothing more.

Removing the best gold farm for two classes because other classes can’t really do it is homogenization.

This also isn’t over the life of WoW - it’s vanilla, and in vanilla hunters/warlocks solo’d princess for gold.

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No, it isn’t. No matter how much you fire off that buzz word the definition of it won’t change.