Primus character

I just wanted to praise the artists responsible for making him. I love him! I love the way he looks, I love the voice acting. Everything about him is awesome. I hope we see more of him.

He is fantastic.


I’m an instant fan of the Primus too. He has a very likable take charge personality. And he looks cool.

We’ve known him for like two story chapters now and already claiming Best Eternal.


I would sacrifice every gnome on Azeroth for an armor set based on him :weary:


Denathrius and the Primus were excellent characters to say the least unlike Zovaal who is just Sauron showed off to the audience as if the Company assumed we would be intrigued by Sauron being exposed to his presence when obviously we didn’t.

Shadowlands has shown the WoW Fans that Sauron is a dull character whose only purpose is to serve as a Plot Device. The fact that Morgoth was made into a World Boss is unsurprising since Morgoth has even less character than Sauron.

The Witch King of Angmar has more character than Sauron and that says a lot!


I dislike him for being so small.
The others are huge and here he is being like 3 times taller than us.

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The problem is the name. When ever I hear it I think of a guy in a top hat.


We was as big as the Jailer when first we saw him then he shrank in order to fit through the door and when he got big again it was only halfway to his original size.


IMO he’s perfect.

I think for being a master strategist, the latest installment makes me disappointed.

But the same is said about Sylvanas who was apparently a 4D chess god with Markov models to predict reality with more accuracy than Old Gods, and still falls over (not dead) from raid.

How many characters will we not kill in raid before it gets bland?

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We need a Cartoon or Anime with the Main Character based on him!

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Him facing off against Helya was pretty funny.

Metal Grandpa has no time for her sass


For me, its Transformers.

He was huge when he first appeared, the same size as the other Eternals. He very deliberately shrinks down to our size, while we’re watching, which I thought was pretty neato. It just further emphasizes his power: homeboy just decides how big he looks at any given time.


I still love that he can shrink himself. Just imagine this

“Maw Walker! It’s dangerous to go alone. Take me.”

Primus shrinks to hand held size


If he doesn’t do that at some point in this expansion I will be outraged

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He and Maldraxxus are a giant Transformers reference from gen 1/Prime and just on that basis alone I absolutely adore them…

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I guess the Jailer is Megatron?


New jailer actually does remind me of Galvatron, the gen 1 not the Mihcael Bay one…

a Like for starters for the cool and appropriate hidden markov modeling jab.

And yeah…I think with the non deaths in raid they are going comic book lets keep a villain around bit.

What wow is missing giving said villains usually some quality that has people want them around. Like Joker. Evil with smile and a hell of a personality. You should hate him but you don’t.

Also missing some comic books offer up the sacrifice. Like the beloved punisher. Very few villains stay around with him.

Now I had hopes for Kael’thas being back but…yeah. That voice actor changethough. I understand old VA had to go. Image to protect.

But…they could have spent a few days more to find a better one. The new one is so flat he is killing the joy of seeing Kael again. Worst part is the dude doesn’t even have that many lines. And the new voice is still killing the joy lol.


Yeah I keep thinking about one of those MASSIVE toys I bought when I was a kid.