Primus character

Sire Denathrius was kept alive because Blizzard noticed he was the type of character you described.

Blizzard if it notes a Character has personality will work to preserve said Character. Zovaal has no personality just as Sauron in LotR has no personality(no surprise since Zovaal is clearly based on Sauron even down to the motivation of removing Free Will mentioned in Morgoth’s Ring).

Even the Voice Acting of Zovaal is based on the Voice Acting of Sauron in LotR rather than his Voice Acting in The Hobbit who sounds like an mysterious and ominous Eastern Sorcerer.

Well that and Ray Chase made them all blushy and giddy and I do not blame Blizz for that lol

I wish they wore shoes or something. Barefoot is gross lmao

When I see primus I will always think crazy goofy talented bass player. Perhaps I’m dating myself.

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Hey man. Music would sound like hot garbage without the bass guitar. The Primus so far has been the only smart First One. He has the single brain cell among the others

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As we discussed at the meeting, we can’t afford to lose more bodies.

I think Primus the band is still better. I used to be a blue-collar tweeker (a reference only Primus fans will get).

They’re so tiny it’s basically like losing a few dozen regular size people

It’ll be fine

I just find it funny that people were trying to figure out what happened to him and if he was the runecarver and a lot of people dismissed this for the simple fact that the number of fingers between the models were different.

And Blizzard was like “Oops…”

Creepy Cool Characters are popular these days.

On other popular Creepy Cool Characters remember this guy?:

A Good Guy who has Glowing Eyes, is an Old Man with a Beard & Mustache and a Cool Personality just like the Primus.


The Primus

Question now is does his GF Wynona have a big brown

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Agreed! He is a great character art/design/voice. More like him please. One of the few good male characters who are not wimps in this expansion.

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So you’re saying you want him to remind you of Less Claypool and rather More Primus?

I haven’t been in the raid yet but I hear he comes in and kicks some serious tail in it.

I am looking forward to seeing this.

Edit: Of course I could be wrong, he may not even show up in there, it’s just what I heard someone talking about but I may have misunderstood that as well.

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And maybe that’s a necessity of these story supporting characters as main villains instead of villains being explained throughout the in-game storytelling process.

The Jailer, for example, is just “the bad guy” and you’re told to know that and just expect that to be True (while also being told Truth doesn’t exist). The entire expansion is being built around this quest or mission to bring him down, and it’s kind of strung along this 2 year cycle process. We can safely kill him at the end of such a story because outside of this cycle, he is meaningless. He’s a nothing, a nobody, a fiction, invented by the writers… But so was…

Nefarion and Onyxia on the other hand… Their storytelling was much less about this expansion-based epoch and more about a self-contained set of stories that were really brought to light after the world had been mapped and explored. And unlike Garrosh (albeit temporarily), Jaina, Azshara, et al, they are dead when we walk out of their respective raids.

I guess I’m hinting at the fact the recipe seems to have gone too much on rails for expansions, and worldbuilding and lore have really been nixed for the comic book story instead. If you want that, you have to look at merch outside of the game (e.g. the Sylvanas book being out of game to explain details in the game). If you’re looking at the World, expansions haven’t so much expanded anything as much as they’ve generated their own equivalent game within a game, and that seems to detract from the purpose of playing in this allegedly permanent fictional world in the first place.

He does not appear at all. Bolvar, Thrall, Jaina, Alexandros Morgraine and 3 of the 4 Horsemen of the Ebon Blade show up but no one else.

He is the one who convinced Bolvar to enact the Raid against Zovaal’s Tower while preparing a backup plan incase Bolvar’s invasion fails(I.E. reforging the Sigils in order to follow Zovaal).

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I genuinely like the winter queen and Archons design more than the primus. Design wise I am actually a little disappointed in the primus. He just seems too…cartoon old guy? Idk if that’s the right description. But he seems too much like some old cooky hermit. Not this badass forge master who leads the covenant filled with warriors and military leaders.

Personality wise, I like him. He’s showing more leadership and forethought than any of the other primal ones, except maybe Denathrius but he doesn’t really count. I am actually quite disappointed at how easy it was to get the other 2 sigils compared to the necrolords. Specifically the archon, she did practically nothing to protect it.

Overall he’s maybe a 6/10 character for me.

Your praise would be most appreciated…if anyone from Blizzard actually came here.

I really like that the Primus was built up well with how we got to know him through others. When we actually met him he was just that, someone who thinks ahead, can lead, and strong enough to win wars.

One of the first things he does is plan ahead if an assault fails. What lore character has done that in WoW?


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