Primordial Wave?

How is Clan Battlehammer doing these days? I kinda miss my Emerald Dream days but that server got ruined after MoP sadly.

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/Sigh man… You cannot talk about viability back then. Lots of stuff was unviable. Still lots of people played everything. The game was very different back then.

You know pwave is literally shadow lands right? Enhance has been viable many a time and long long before it? Crazy how long term enhance players don’t like a cheesy, non enhance esthetic, mechanic from the worst expansion ever to be our main playstyle now.

Lol should have recognized your name. Ah kinda dead right now. End of expansion. So many different versions to play righ now. Unfortunately yeah we all miss ED. It’s definitely a husk now.

Why does that matter? Are you saying if they called it “Elemental Wave” and it worked the same way that it does now it would be fine? If Pwave didn’t exist in SL and was something cooked up for DF would that fix the perception around it? That’s what you appear to be implying here and quite honestly I feel like that would be true seeing that most wow players have a pathological attachment to their first impressions of things in the game.

It is crazy because you have to be crazy to care what expansion it was from or whether it fits “lore” or how the spec played X years in the past while doing Dungeons or Raids in the present, especially when the spec is doing the best it’s ever done in modern wow. People cannot move past first impressions and more often than not cause issues from them rather than the ability itself. What is Shaman aesthetic is also subjective as hell and is just a personal gripe.

What does the cheesy part even refer to?

If you’re going to talk about the gameplay style of a spec at a specific point and time it is 100% relevant to discuss its viability at its time. You keep saying “Stormstrike/WF damage and buffing melee was Enhance’s thing” and that was the only time it was relevant besides Vanilla.

i dont get what you mean.
First what pwave for ele is just a single 80% dmg lava burst, ppl used it only for the conduits.
Second i did get 1950 in arena, thats not even good i know, but i did some arena pvp stuff back then.

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You said no one used it back in SL. That is absolutely false for Elemental and Resto in PvP.

Okay. Let me just say this perfectly clearly:

I am not anti-Primordial Wave. I overall like the ability, and think that it is a worthwhile addition to the class, even if I think it has room for improvement.

Heck, I played Necrolord as an Enhancement shaman for the entirety of Shadowlands, even when PWave was actual trash for the spec because we didn’t get Flame Shock cleave added to Lava Lash until Sepulcher. I remember when PWave was an actual @&*^ spell for at least Enhancement, and cannot wrap my head around the people who complain about how it works for the spec now.

My point there was that Primordial Wave for Resto is emblematic of a recurring theme in the spec of awkwardly straddling the middle ground between reactive and ramp healing only barely successfully. Primordial Wave is one of the more successful abilities for this niche, but being both a relatively new addition to the class and very prominent in the spec’s current design, it is catching a lot of the frustration players are having with this playstyle that it is only the most visible representation of.

I mean, that’s kind of a false dichotomy that DF shaman had to include any Shadowlands Covenant ability at all. We just as easily could have left all of them behind and had something entirely else in PWave’s place in each spec tree. Not saying that necessarily would have been better, but it was also an option.

I have no problem with a high skill ceiling (I mean, I main Elementalist Enhancement), but I think the skill floor is currently too high for juggling so many abilities and interactions (again, hello, Elementalist). Cloudburst is actually the biggest offender here, as the spec is heavily dependent on using it effectively at the high end of play, but it’s very poorly integrated into the kit and depends on knowing fight timings very precisely, while Unleash Life is probably my most hated spell, being nothing but a throughput tax of a keybind.

I have been playing Enhancement for as long as I’ve been playing this game. Primordial Wave is a great addition to our toolkit that provides us with high flexibility, reliability, and sustain, even if it has room for refinement. If you want to keep living in 2007 and pretend the spec is nothing but Stormstrike, the Storm build is right there for you.

what do u mean? i literally said some people used it because of the conduit and fleshcraft.

Weren’t you just referencing old wf/buff gameplay? Can only you reference old versions of the spec? that’s sick

Going to go out on a limb and say a majority of actual good players prefer pwave build and playstyle and that it’s pretty easy to find out with some quick searches but sure man whatever you say : -)


We are talking Shaman here, let’s not pretend that Blizzard will give resources to this class haha.

This is a direct quote, in black and white, where you said “that’s why no one was using it.”

I assume this will be the end of this discussion?

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It wont. People on the forums (especially the Shaman forums) believe feelycrafting to be more important than actual data. Opinions matter more than actual evidence or logical arguments.

They should give Ele a way to spread Flame Shock, or at least remove the cool down from Flame Shock, or something like that. Primordial Wave is really fun on Enh, imo, but only because you automatically spread Flame Shock with Lava Lash.

Old mate yeastyholes back at it again. We cant give data when stuff is nyi and when we have bugs and dont even know if this is our final build because of no intercation from the devs.


Old Man Stoutbrew demonstrating the verbal/reading intelligence of a 3rd grader. We’re not discussing anything related to beta or TWW. We’re talking about trends related to Enhancement gameplay in past expansions and how it played in DF with it centered on Primordial Wave. The statement is referencing one person stating that nobody used Primoridal Wave in SL despite data showing that people Resto and Ele did in fact use it.

The man joins a thread and doesn’t read a single thing. Absolute glue sniffer behavior.

I only mention this becuase seem to hold grievances with people writing anything but feedback annnnd you wrote the same thing i comented on in tww feedback.


The only interaction I had with you was in a thread in Shaman general forums. Not the TWW beta feedback thread. And our conversation was discussing why don’t you like an ability, why just saying “pwave bad” isn’t really feedback if you’re not providing information as to why its bad with supporting evidence/logical arguments, and had nothing to with Beta tuning and design directly.

It’s not a grievance to ask somebody to logically explain an assertion, especially when said assertion goes against my point. And any logical line of thinking or viewpoint is subjected to criticism.

The only grievance I have is players that have poor concepts fueled by faulty logic and an inability to look critically at evidence and data trying to ruin a gameplay style that I like, one that has been proven to have pushed Enhance to one of the best positions it’s ever been in for M+ and Raid.

Read a thread before you comment. Helps out a lot.

‘Pwave was the lowest impact convenant ability back in SL thats why no one was using it. Someone used it because of the conduit from necrolord not the spell’
This is the whole comment typed by me.
I still dont understand what you are trying to say/prove.

There you go again. You must have piloted your arena experience in that expansion since you don’t seem to grasp that 2/3rds of Shaman specs played Necrolord for SL.

? 99% ele played nightfae, 1% necrolord maybe in Pain of Theatre.
And i did say some play it for conduit and fleshcraft coz thats big in pvp.
There you go again, please read with your eye.

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I dont blame you coz pvp-only player are pretty bad in general in everything including compredend stuff, but please stop.