Primordial Trolls confirmed in Dragonflight

All this discussion got me pretty hyped for all the avenues they could go down (here’s hoping). Would be great to see some returning Darkspear and Zandalari characters having a presence on the isles. Rokhan for example, and hey why not throw in the return of the Siame-Quashi–because that group was pretty damn cool.


The only reason why the dragons got involved in the War of the shifting sands was because the Qiraji and their Silithid minions found a way to bypass Un’goro Crater to launch an attack on the Caverns of Time. Otherwise they were fine with letting it be a conflict between the Night Elves and the Qiraji.

The war between the Zandalari and the Aqir mostly took place around Zandalar and other Troll controlled areas.

Which honestly does seem weird as the Aspects were made to fight threats like the Old Gods and the Legion in place of the Keepers. Yet the Dragons turned a blind eye to major conflicts involving the Old Gods (Troll vs Aqir War and later the War of the Shifting Sands) unless they themselves were threatened. As in the case of the War of the Shifting Sands.


The dragons had by that point began to fall into the same kind of ennui that the Titan Keepers fell into after the Ordering was completed. It took a lot to motivate them from snoozing in their caves. It is sort of an occupational hazard of living on and on forever, I guess.


The Aqir controlled the western parts of the ancient Kalimdor continent, and we see the remnants of it in Pandaria, Northrend, and Silithus today, so it was extremely large.
It was a war that stretched and expanded to other spaces of the continent too as the Aqir was pushed back and fled. Even up to what we know as the Amani lands in today’s northern eastern kingdoms.
It’s honestly baffling that the dragon supposedly did nothing when a war against old god minions pretty much engulfed the majority of the largest landmass.

There was at least one night elf city ( Loreth’Aran) so favored by Ysera that she blessed it’s people and let them ride her brood for many centuries. This then pissed Deathwing off so much that he specifically sent his flight to kill them all during wota.


Äh…the dragons asked the kaldorei to help them in the first place. Without dragons…no war of shifting sands

wtf I love Deathwing now.


if something like this would happen toward the horde or especcialy the orcs…i know treng would hate this :wink:


That does sound like someone add their elf-dragon fantasy into the lore and someone with more authority quickly putting an end to that.


not so much, because the same writer created and end this story…it was a closed story on itself.

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you mean the dragonmaw?
who pyro keeps trying to convince me are cool?


the dargonmaw enslaved dragons…and were not partner toward them

dragon riders who are dead.

Dreadmoore is the paradox character who loves evil but doesn’t people to tell him evil is bad.


If you don’t see the difference, why one is a tragedy and the other a deserved punishment…then I don’t know :wink:

This is the weird thing, why are they primordial? Trolls were the first race to rise on Azeroth, which was prior to 10K years ago?

Wouldnt they just be regular trolls?

Or are we guessing its due to the raw elemental energy of the Isle?


The trolls on this island did not evolve for some reason, possibly the elemental forces of the island shielded the effect of the WOE that triggered the hyperevolution in the first place to create “regular Trolls”


But that was just the dark trolls that were shaped by the WOE to become NE’s?

Other trolls originally chilled around Zandalari mountains.

I mean im happy enough to just go “planets fundamental elemental forces are strong here- keeps trolls in base form”

No, the dark trolls are only the best known evolution. But all life on Azeroth came from the WOE, which like a hyperevolution accelerated the entire global evolutionary chain, extremely accelerated, so that what normally takes millions of years was reduced to a few thousand/Hundred years.

Without WOE, no Live at all.

That you don’t understand the difference between the two from the player’s point of view is heckin’ funny.

What flew over zahir's head

The Horde is always written as being deserving of being killed and the Alliance is always written as just and good and their deaths are always a tragedy. Which in and of itself is tragic for people who like the Horde. Blizzard only cares about you not us.


I naturally assumed it was like, “Can I use this idea?” “Yes, but you can’t keep it going.” You see that a lot in these back-lore stories, magnificent feats occuring, but there being no evidence of it.