Primal Chaos can now be Sent to Alts

Wait, only M+ awards them? What about normal and heroic dungeons?

So to make use of this change, we NEED TO be forced into M+? Maybe farm dirt for 3 weeks to get 80?

I mean i am all for this change, but is this is the case, then whatever, its useless for me.

I feel people screaming about P2W would have a lot more ground to complain if Blizz did this. Higher gear should require gameplay.

The current situation is a good middle ground.

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You get primal chaos from world quests, dirt, rares etc. You get primal focus from m+11 to 15 and heroic raid. That lets you craft higher pieces from spark crafting pieces. And then concentrated primal focus from +16 to infinite and mythic raid, that lets you craft even better gear.

Although I disagree with forcing people to lose chaos to send it to alts, I will definitely commend that you actually made them BOA in some form when most said this would never happen.

You realize you created this problem when you gave us a way to give our alts all 5 sparks of ingenuity out of the gate. Our mains did it “the best way” because we had time in between sparks to gather primal chaos doing daily content.

Definitely appreciate the change, but the explanation for the tax doesn’t hold up as well.
Keep these QoL changes coming, please.

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Fantastic decision.

Great, now make it so we can level up our professions without relying on tradechat and begging others to put on a crafting order, or risking a mass report because we’re forced to spam.

Eh, those are crafting more end game level items and they already don’t have a lockout to receive.

So…they should timegate sparks on alts?

You’re right but then again, like your main, you’re not meant to be able to use all those sparks all at once. You could just gather the chaos and craft a piece every now and, like your main did. Except now there’s a way to trade your main’s chaos too.

Great start! Now primal focuses too pls and that would be a massive W.

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Well then this change is total BS and it is rewarding only the highest level of play players, instead of making it easier for gearing up alts for the rest of the player base. So its either get into grouped content that is gated, or farm dirt for weeks?


Thanks for nothing blizz.

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Only an absolute maximum of 11 slots will be crafted and 5 were given for free. That assumes you craft every single non-tier item.

How often do you think players should be able to craft 418 gear?

I am not sure what normal and heroic dungeons give but mythic plus guarantees you a certain number based on the level you do - I think if you are doing mythic plus 10 you get 9 guaranteed. So doing one mythic plus 10 gives you about the same guaranteed amount as all the world content for one week. However, you can easily do 10 or more mythic plus dungeons a week.

This entire system is useless for someone doing world content because by the time I farm enough to make a piece of gear I have enough gear to make it pointless to make them. I made my first crafted piece of gear this morning and that was only because I wanted the 3 skill points of the item - the gear itself was barely an upgrade.

Not only are mythic plus players able to gear up their alts, they can also max out their professions a lot faster because each alt has 5 sparks which will translate into 15 skill points. Sure some might trickle through to others but if I did mythic plus I would be in a game ending situation because of this change. I would have my alts geared up and my professions maxed out.

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Always have to pair good ideas with bad ones huh?
You need to make primal infusions account wide as well, by the time our mains earn them from rep they are pretty much useless.


You can already get better gear from rares and world events bruh, the crafted gear is just a way to fill holes.

That is until you get into primal focus and concentrated primal focus, but if you don’t engage in group content, you don’t really need that.

Well once again that was done due to player complaint about having to play their characters to earn them…

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For BS, one can just dump 30 points into armor or weapon spec to be able to craft a master hammer that doesn’t use any bop. It’s perfect to get those last skill points.

You get chaos from raid clears as well.

Also remove the chaos tax. I shouldn’t have to lose ANY of my earned reagents. Make it a 1:1. Stop monkey pawing our requests!


I’m pretty sure the primal infusions from rep are meant for the more casual playerbase not getting them from heroic raids and +11 or higher keys.

A fairly casual player can craft up to 5 item level 405 from working on rep and 1 from an LFR Raz kill for the quest, which is pretty decent for a casual player imo.

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