Priests need a brez

if any of them priest makes the most sense to have a brez in the first place lol

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Different people want different things, I don’t complain about simple rotations and reasonable amounts of cooldowns. BFA was fine for me. Other people complained.


Since they cap the number of brezes in a fight there’s really little argument I see for not giving every class a Brez.

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only if we say “heroes never die” loudly every time we use it

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That’s just healer full party limit break in general.

Paladin needs holy power for their Brez.

Give it to all healers.

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All healers should have battle rez, so every group is guaranteed to have a battle rez.

And only healers.

Also, every tank should have Heroism.

And only tanks.

Or get rid of Heroism/Bloodlust entirely.

Not that it doesn’t fit their theme but paladins, especially holy, are one of the most utility heavy healers in the game. They really didn’t need anymore, especially when priest utility is so lacking.

I think it should be exclusive to shadow priest, but be extra strong, like the brez provides 80% DR and a 20% haste buff for 10 seconds after the rez. throw them a bone and call it calling of the void or something cool like that. Make the resurrected player look all voidy and evil while the buff persists. :slight_smile:

Crafted bracers are in the game, that anyone can equip and can have a brez. If you perceive priests specifically as being problematic, Blizzard already gave you a solution.

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Does his request bother you in some way, or cause some kind of balance problem that you can think of?
I don’t see where it would, personally, as priests are underperforming right now in endgame PVE content. Perhaps you can explain the reasoning behind your resounding “NO” to this request that doesn’t seem to affect you, as someone with no visible raid or M+ experience, who plays a warrior?

Class homogenization bothers me, yes. It has ruined a lot of aspects of this game over the years. I mained holy priest up until part way through 10.0 and the engineering brez was just fine.

I now main resto druid, and brez is a stand out ability. For priest it’s mass dispel. Keep class-defining abilities in their classes, not in all equivalent roles.

This would suck, and you’re saying a healer in a 5 man can never be battle rezzed.

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That’s what I use.

It costs a few thousand gold to give a class (monk) without a battle rez one (if a little inconvenient to use).

I am so thankful you’re not on the design team (if you’re serious).

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Makes sense in an RPG, but with the direction WoW has taken funneling people into M+ with timed competitive runs, it’s going to cause problems. I agree with the sentiment that classes should be unique and bring different things to the game, I just wish WoW leadership themselves would lean more into that direction and less balancing everything around M+. Class order halls were one of my favorite concepts, it was sad to see they were just abandoned.

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Still sounds like a verbose way of saying - make all the roles the same across classes. No thanks. Find another way.

Edit: Maybe that’s not fair because you’re recognizing both sides, but yeah I don’t like ability sharing.

I don’t want to see all the classes be the same, but I feel like that’s the direction WoW is heading given their love for M+. I don’t like it, but that’s the writing on the wall, at least in my mind.

Well if you don’t like it then you should probably also vocalize a ‘NO’ to this thread