Priests need a brez

disagree and i hate how greedy healers have become. it’s so unfathomably annoying.

brez is why dk, ret, and other druid specs are even brought

I concur. I will go one step further. I will say that EVERY healing class should have a Brez. They are all on a shared timer anyway. It would not be a huge game changer.

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what you say is completely untrue. All of the classes you mentioned are brought for their other abilities. Sure they are a bonus ,but they are on a shared cooldown . It is a moot issue when you have more than 2 Brezers. Feel free to disagree ,but do not lie about it.

I mean, I feel like I posted a pretty unique alternative earlier which would be thematic while also keeping the priest healers from getting a brez. I like to consider alternatives rather than just straight up saying no to everything I disagree with.

gimme one reason you’ll ever invite a ret paladin or dps dk

it sure as hell aint their damage that’s for certain rofl

That’s cost 10 rp just so you know

All healers need a brez

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Then give every healer one and give other healers MD.

Oh… no?

Priest is the quintessential healer in games. The fact that they don’t have a brez seems wrong. Yeah give 'em one please Blizz.

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Yeah, its like the only reason why anyone takes any Shaman spec is just for Bloodlust.

How about: every healer has battle rez, only healers have battle rez and all healers also have a version of Reincarnation (and for Shamans, only resto has Reincarnation).

That should cover all the bases and the only way to make it dumber is having every class being able to battle rez but only in dungeons or raids.

Just a couple hours ago I was joined a BRH +5 on my VDH alt and I was in a group that was so worried about getting a battle rez and a bloodlust. They were worried we wouldnt be able to complete a +5 if we didnt have a battle rez and a bloodlust.

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I said no. Only one more class needs a battle rez for it to be better accessible. Whether or not it’s priest that’s chosen is indifferent to me, it just makes the most sense lore wise so it’s the obvious choice if it were to happen. Plus priest healers don’t even bring a kick and Silence

As for Lust, they need to unnerf drums because it shouldn’t be only 15%.

They are experienced and solid enough to complete the content?

There are 25 dps specs in the game yet the forums act like only 4 exist.

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You don’t even have to be an engineer. With Dragonflight, you can have an engineer craft the bracers for you through a work order and then stick a battle rez in the tinker slot.

Surprising how many people don’t know about that.

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No really Brewa I never would have guessed. I just find it better to be an Engineer. I know you don’t need to be one to use the bracers.

Does it help reduce the chance for malfunctions if you are an engineer?

There’s an extra tinker mod you can slot that boosts the chance, I believe.

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Yeah, I knew about that, but I feel like maybe there’s also a profession knowledge tree that reduces the chance. I’m an engineer on every healer that doesn’t have a brez just from past xpacs, but started DF really late and didn’t bother to level my professions much.

Make spirit of redemption either be a priest healing after death OR brez an ally. Boom. Fixed. Done.

In a way yes as Brewa said you get a bonus slot that makes it so you eject a battery rather than explode.

All battle rezzes spend.

Imho, all healers should have a battle Rez, and all tanks should have bloodlust.

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