Priests need a brez

i think at this stage in the game, every healer should have a brez. make it a 10 minute CD, i don’t care, but every healer should have one.

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I did this once and I knew better. Wanted to top the group before dots came out in timeways and was just a tad too late.


Sometimes I’d rather have my old arcane torrent back than a brez

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Some think we have them, if whispers to mine are to be believed.

Stop, just stop. 1, it’s a 3 minute cooldown vs a 2 min cooldown on mass dispel. 2, it’s instant cast vs casted 3, it cleanses poison and disease as well as magic 4, people aren’t using mass dispel for the offensive purge 5, it also heals 6, MD is targeted small aoe vs 40yd aoe.


Yes all the 4 bracers have a socket for the B-rez item.

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Well there we go.

Though sucks to need to get a crafted item for a brez that’s not 100% guaranteed. But it’s better than nothing I suppose.

If you put the failure check on the bracers they don’t hurt you. But ya I mean its better than not having a rez. Of course my druid has one but I’ve been using my Evoker so the rez can come in handy.

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Oh yeah. As Aug especially I feel like the jack of all trades bring buffs a rez now and feasts lol. I make the joke I’m the guides raid cheerleader xD

WoW should have unlimited brez’s like FFXIV, and all healers should be able to do it.

I main Prevoker atm but I have been having a lot of fun using Aug for my off spec.

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This is my Evoker if someone was wondering.

<— Asheru

No. Give warriors a brez, we’re useless.

I agree and Hunter’s need to get back their brez too and the haste/mastery passive buff.

Naw… best we can do is nerf DH!

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Honestly yeah why not?

tbf I’m in the camp that thinks every class should have a healer, DPS, DPS Ranged and Tank spec option and all of them should have a “Cure All” cleanse and a Interrupt both of which set to 7second cooldowns.

But yeah all the classes that can resurrect someone should be able to have a Brez at this point.


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Tanks are the ones who never die, tanks should get brez. So give a brez to warriors, monks, and DH.

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It is a little funny that 3 of the 6 tanks do have a battle rez.

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something that does bother me is why doesn’t DK have an out of combat rez? masters of death and can’t necro one dead body?

Off-topic, but the WoW community could be an interesting case study on human nature. There was a period of a few years where most people bemoaned how simplified and homogenous class rotations had become, and how ability pruning and taking buttons away from players made the game too easy and dumbed everything down.

So, Blizzard re-implemented talent trees and everyone has three or four action bars worth of crap again. And now the community is back to “ability bloat” is an issue.

The devs are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

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