Priests arent the problem, burst is: Healers are dead in P2

TLDR: Healers will not exist in PvP at 40+

The priest nerfs show a fundamental misunderstanding of how healers are supposed to work, if a healer can not out heal the damage of a single dps then there is no point in bringing a healer over another dps in group PvP

In WSG due to the 25 percent damage nerf the only healer that could accomplish this for longer than 5 seconds was a priest. Only a priest could out heal the damage of a single dps hitting them or someone else. All the other healers besides druid with non purged hots could not actually heal in pvp and were a hindrance on the team over another geared dps player

In the open world even priests get globaled before they can put out a heal due to the burst that the gear from BFD is giving to dps players, particularly warriors paladins hunters and rogues.

No healer can survive in wpvp against a single geared dps player and only priests can survive in BG’s with the damage nerf against a single geared dps player

Instead of nerfing priests they should have buffed mages shamans and paladins 20-40 percent to make them as viable in pvp as priest, and even if they did in wpvp healers would still be globalled by a single geared DPS player

at 40 warriors and rogues will have MS, healing will be reduced by 50 percent, no healer will be able to heal in WPvP or BG’s even with a zone wide damage nerf against a single geared dps

Every class of healer will become a hindrance in BG’s compared to bringing another geared dps and every class of healer will be a free honor kill in WPvP

The philosophy of nerfing priests instead of buffing the other healers to be on the MINIMUM level of surviving against a single dps player trying to kill them shows that blizzard does not want healers in PvP scenarios at 40+, healer players of EVERY class are completely screwed by this design philosophy

If you care about balanced pvp at 40 blizz, please buff shamans, paladins, and mages to the level priests were formerly at and revert the change on priests and instead give priests a 20 percent increase to mana cost of those abilities instead, except circle of healing because circle of healing is complete trash and does not deserve to be nerfed.

I’ll close with this: The fact that blizz also nerfed circle of healing proves that no one in their office actually plays the game, at no point has circle of healing been anything other than a waste of mana and actually deserves to be buffed in both throughput and reduced mana cost

A complete and utter joke. Please buff healers.


Season of Discover how bad at game development Blizzard is.


While I don’t necessarily agree/disagree with the priest nerf, buffing healers has a significant impact on PvE content, a better solution to the spiking damage problem in PvP is simply to add a scaling DPS reduction as people level.

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A single priest could out heal the dmg of like 5 people assisting one target.
That isn’t even hyperbole, I see that exact situation every WSG.

Priest healing was absolutely out of control. If you disagree you are simply wrong. Period.


None of this is true lol.


I’m Exalted in WSG via healing on my priest. You’re wrong.

A single priest can outheal 3 badly geared players, 1 good geared player, or 2 windserpents in WSG.

You’re confusing being penanced by 3+ priests in WSG as somehow being a “single priest” either that or the 5 people you mentioned werent even level 25 yet or had level 17 questing greens, simple as.

A single priest cant outheal a hydra warrior or paladin, cant outheal 2+ windserpents, can’t outheal 2 rogues

Unless they have terrible gear, that is.

A BiS priest can not outheal the dmg from a single BiS rogue warrior paladin hunter in wpvp and nothing more than 1.5 to 2 in WSG with the damage nerf.


Entire month of SoD: nerf priests, healing is OP.

Priest nerfs announced: PrIeStS aRe UnUsAbLe GaRbAgE nOw!1!


This is what Blizzard does in all of their games: they take damage to unhealable levels then try to buff heals to compensate and it becomes this insane burst fest.

I’m really hoping they figure this out with SoD and don’t have the every-global-is-life-or-death situation that exists in the other forms of WoW

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Every healer is globalled in wpvp, only priests and druids can heal at all in WSG, now likely only druids

All healers are trash except priest and druid and only in WSG right now.

At level 40 with this design philosophy every healer in pvp will be worse than another dps player due to MS.

Healers will not exist in pvp at 40+, is that what you want?

Please tell me where i said that, you troll.


HeAlErS aRe DiEiNg WhEn EnEmIeS hIt ThEm, PlEaSe Do SoMeThInG!1!


The game should not be a contest of who can one shot the other person first.

Wpvp and instanced pvp should not be based around one shotting or globallinig people.

Healers need to be worth their slot in a BG by being able to heal at the bare minimum 1.5 to 2 DPS players worth of healing, which no healer can do in wpvp and only priests and druids could do in WSG at 25 with no MS

At level 40 no healer will be able to out heal a single dps player

You are a complete troll bro…

Every healer besides priest and druid need to be buffed, and every healer in phase 2 needs to be buffed again because of MS + insane burst from

  • Paladin one shots
  • Rogue stunlock/globaled
  • Warrior one shot
  • Shadow priest shadow stun globals
  • Elemental shaman lavaburst > chain lightning one shots
  • Hunter Bestial Wrath global

Literally the majority of the classes will have unhealable oneshot/global burst

You want pvp to be terrible.

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I am sorry but priests were OP and blizzard has the data to show that. Want to join a WSG Group? LF Priests and Hunters. Period. The only way you’re getting into a group as a non-Priest or Hunter is to form and create the group. I have seen Boomkin groups as speciality offs but its always LFM - Priests. Why? There OP

While I will agree that healers should be able to heal (that’s there point) your forgetting there ablilty to DPS at the same time. Priests can heal, shield, and kill most people on them. I said most not, the one exception warrior or paladin with Epic Sword, Epic Gloves, and Epic Brestplate. So you can heal all the damage on yourself and kill the person attacking you? Come on man, who are you kidding.


Please name an attack that hits for 2000 damage.

Right after I see a priest outhealing 5 dps.

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Please name a healing priest, shaman, mage, or paladin that has 2000 health

The average unbuffed health for well geared cloth users (so healers of any type including shaman and paladin) is between 700 and 1300 depending on specific pieces and sacrificing stats for stamina

Me. I do. Sup.

In pve priests were barely above the other classes in healing and will now likely be last. The problem was the mana cost of penance and PoM not the healing it does, every healer should be able to do that level of healing, it just shouldnt cost 79 and 58 mana respectively.

You brought priests not because priest was OP but because priest met the MINIMUM requirement for a healer in phase 1, the other classes besides druid dont meet the MINIMUM requirement.

Shamans, paladins, and mages dont meet the MINIMUM requirement at level 25.

No healer will meet the MINIMUM requirement at level 40 because of MS.

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On my Warlock, I am able to kill any healing priest in the game. I don’t even need Chaos Bolt for it. I didn’t see a problem with them, personally. I understand maybe buffing other healers, but nerfing Priests by 20 whole %? That wass ridiculous, and priests are definitely going to be underperforming now.

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I don’t fully agree with this. Solo-healing BFD is quite common and many runs, including in the top 50 speedruns, don’t even use priest healers.

Everyone said that Shaman, Mage, and Druid healers sucked at the start, but now they are meta in top speedruns.


the whole concept of healers having to be 1.5-2x another players worth is a terrible unbalanced garbage point of view.

its laughable at best and very frustrating to anyone going against more than 1 healer in pvp.

being forced to send 4+ players to kill a priest + 1 other player of almost any class is horrible design and people who advocate it are very clueless.

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