TLDR: Healers will not exist in PvP at 40+
The priest nerfs show a fundamental misunderstanding of how healers are supposed to work, if a healer can not out heal the damage of a single dps then there is no point in bringing a healer over another dps in group PvP
In WSG due to the 25 percent damage nerf the only healer that could accomplish this for longer than 5 seconds was a priest. Only a priest could out heal the damage of a single dps hitting them or someone else. All the other healers besides druid with non purged hots could not actually heal in pvp and were a hindrance on the team over another geared dps player
In the open world even priests get globaled before they can put out a heal due to the burst that the gear from BFD is giving to dps players, particularly warriors paladins hunters and rogues.
No healer can survive in wpvp against a single geared dps player and only priests can survive in BG’s with the damage nerf against a single geared dps player
Instead of nerfing priests they should have buffed mages shamans and paladins 20-40 percent to make them as viable in pvp as priest, and even if they did in wpvp healers would still be globalled by a single geared DPS player
at 40 warriors and rogues will have MS, healing will be reduced by 50 percent, no healer will be able to heal in WPvP or BG’s even with a zone wide damage nerf against a single geared dps
Every class of healer will become a hindrance in BG’s compared to bringing another geared dps and every class of healer will be a free honor kill in WPvP
The philosophy of nerfing priests instead of buffing the other healers to be on the MINIMUM level of surviving against a single dps player trying to kill them shows that blizzard does not want healers in PvP scenarios at 40+, healer players of EVERY class are completely screwed by this design philosophy
If you care about balanced pvp at 40 blizz, please buff shamans, paladins, and mages to the level priests were formerly at and revert the change on priests and instead give priests a 20 percent increase to mana cost of those abilities instead, except circle of healing because circle of healing is complete trash and does not deserve to be nerfed.
I’ll close with this: The fact that blizz also nerfed circle of healing proves that no one in their office actually plays the game, at no point has circle of healing been anything other than a waste of mana and actually deserves to be buffed in both throughput and reduced mana cost
A complete and utter joke. Please buff healers.