I am looking for a raiding guild to join now that the dust has settled on somethings in my life. I for the most part have been a flex player in prior tiers some tiers dpsing more and others healing more. I am looking for a guild now that I am back to primarily focus on Healing this tier and dps when needed. This tier is like to almost fully focus on one more on that toon.
I am looking to main Priest disc and flex to holy as needed and shadow from time to time or until I get the new disc priest down for and lined up well. Looking to alt mage since all 3 specs are viable in there own way. Gonna be farming renown and catch up. I am willing to main either one and alt the other as well just wanna get both fully geared up dom sockets ect to push keys and help guild out more in raid and learn along the way.
I am looking to raid 2 days a week with a 3rd day being a alt day. I plan to keep both toons up raid ready just incase for progression but will focus on main more unless asked to switch for a boss.
I am looking for a guild that plans to push mythic progression and push as far as we can my end goal is cutting edge as I got pretty close last tier but I also want to enjoy the ride and those I raid with. Id love to push keys as well and this tier so far is the best for the specs I picked but by no means meta lol. I’d love to do a plus 20 at least of each key by the end of the tier. Hoping to do a lot of things with the guild as well and just kick it in discord and get to know each other.
I do not care about faction as long as I can by the end of the season push plus 20 keys with guild and progress in mythic SOD.
To reach out to me message me on discord.