Priest vs druid in lore. Which is overall stronger?

This is just for fun. Lorewise let´s say an average priest fights with an average druid in 1 vs 1 combat . Which one would be victorious?

Please skip op characters like Velen and Malfurion

Priests can be Gnomes, but Druids can’t. The answer to your question follows directly!

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Off topic but your character is really cute. Gj.

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Thank you! I like her face and sassy little hairstyle :slight_smile:

So druids are stronger then.


Yes, Druids are stronger. They cannot be Gnomes, so they have to make up for a lot! And since each Druid has a very squishy and weak brain (so it can change shape to fit into their animal skulls), they needed to meet that requirement with physical strength.

To me druids are absurdly overpowered in lore. You just need to look at Malfurion who almost defeat sargeras and Ashara by himself

I mean, that’s just because Malfurion is absurdly overpowered, doesn’t make the rest of the druids overpowered.

But this question is dumb as we all know the real answer is hunters are stronger than everyone else.

Really just depends on the person. There’s different levels of personal skill that matter more than just the class. That applies to everyone. Light, Void and nature are all very capable magics.

A better priest can be beat a weaker druid and vice versa. Velen and Malfurion are incredibly OP so they can’t be compared to others. Normal people range anywhere from amateur to regular skilled to Archdruid/High Priest.

Life magic and shapeshifting is pretty versatile, but Void magic is very strong and goes straight to the mind. Light can do stuff too. So it’s all very muddy waters I’d say. A tool is only as good as the wielder. :slight_smile:

At this point, the whole “which is stronger?” type of debates really comes down to one question: Who is writing the story at the time?


Pretty sure Druids

Priests are not trained to fight . Druids are freakin wild animals

The bear is always stronger. Avoid large cats, too.

Here we can see a bunch of humans tormenting a poor captive Guardian Druid.

Let’s see a priest do that!

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Wasn’t there a trinket that could tame druids? Didn’t even need to be a priest to do that :laughing:

Come on… No way a unarmed cat could even kill a full savage armored and trained tauren/worgen/orc warrior. My bet goes to priest.

At least priest can shield himself to avoid arrows and sword’s swings.

This is for lore strictly

A necklace off Huntsman Altimor.

They fixed that in a hurry.

If they gave Malfurion a more intimidating voice I might say druids. Instead, he sounds like a librarian casually scolding you whenever he’s mad.

Come on guys this is serious hahah I would like to read good opinions

Malfurian is a Healer who sometimes goes into Bear form, yet he manage to take out an entire army with little to no effort and made a Troll Crap himself after perma-rooting an Orc Warrior into the ground,


Sure they can! Just play the cute cat face, then attack while the warrior is distracted squeeing over you.