Priest vs druid in lore. Which is overall stronger?

Remember warriors are dumb and like to smash, so I could probably get one to chase me into a sufficiently deep body of water where they get rooted and drown. There are a few situations where this wouldn’t work ie: locks, but I could stay down there forever. Last I checked priests shields don’t prevent drowning :grinning:

Priests are trained to manipulate minds through the power of the old gods.
What can a wild animal do against such?

They are wild because their minds cannot be controlled else they would be tamed animals instead :rofl: . They will just stare at the cloth wearer and swipe left.

Druids are generally weak in lore, Xavius single-handedly beat the entire druid villages + Malfurion + Ysera combined.


Damm that’s true. They are weak then

Priests are stronger. Growing plants is cool and all, but what about SUMMONING AN ANGEL TO REVERSE DEATH?!

Also, Mind Control is a thing.

I always have thought what are those angels? are they kyrian? XD

Probably not Kyrian. Their whole shtick is all impersonal, and finding it in yourself to REVERSE SOMEONE’S DEATH is pretty personal, don’t you think?

Break out WC3 and have a priest fight a Druid. Can’t get more average then cannon fodder units.

I feel like priests are devastating in one on one combat. If you can’t beat their mind control you just lose automatically.

Only if it is shadow otherwise I think druid wins

My bet is on Druids. They know how to fight and have very good mobility and utility.

Yeah, Holy can summon spirits to reverse death and heal even when they’re dead, but that’s nothing compared to checks notes growing some plants?

Great cat from stealth vs some dude in a dress. What do you think?

Comparing an average priest to druid, the priest’s mind powers pretty much beat anything the druid can do. Given that the priest can also shield themselves from physical harm, the druid getting up close in an animal form isn’t that much of an advantage.

The druid has to beat the priest before they have a chance to use mind powers, and given a priest’s shielding and healing that seems very unlikely.

If you look at the high end, Malfurion is hilariously broken. Only a shadow priest that surrenders to the old gods would have a chance of beating him.

Here’s a question for you.

In comics shapeshifters generally have some sort of resistance to telepathy/mind control because they can constantly change their brains makeup. So it’s hard for telepaths to pin them down because it just looks and feels like static from the constant changing.

Do you think Druids would have this sort of advantage in WoW?

Mind control doesn’t beat a bear druid smacking you in the face every time you try to cast it, though.

Not sure but I would like to share it again:

How an unarmed cat (Even with the cunning inteligence that a druid has) could even kill a full savage armored and trained tauren/worgen/orc warrior? Only a single blow would be enough to kill an animal.

My bet goes to priest. Priests has magic, they can shield themselves and others, priests can smite enemies with light’s fury (Which I think is one of the most powerful magic), they can control minds or even desintegrate enemies by using the void.

I can’t see an scenario where a druid can win unless if they are Balance and powerful enough to break priest’s shields by throwing some moon/sun energy

In lore priest and paladin have unbreakable shields who protect them from physical and magical harm. Of course in game, the priest’s shield is weak just for game balance reasons but in lore it is supose that it is super strong

Have you ever seen a big cat fight?

I mean, armor’s great and all, but it is not designed for stopping a multiple-hundred-pound animal jumping directly at your neck or throwing you side to side. Unless you get out of its way right now it’s going to break your spine. And guess what? It can do that from ambush, too.

And bears are worse.

Druids would be fantastically deadly even without their spellcasting powers, which are also some of the most versatile out there, with direct damage, AoE, DoTs, and a full suite of CC and healing.

A druid would beat a warrior lore-wise by going bear form or using magic.

Plate is very good against slashing weapons like swords. It’s considerably less good against blunt force like, say, a magically enhanced bear charging into you. Assuming they were even wearing armour(many Orcs warriors didn’t wear much, if any) it wouldn’t be a huge factor to a druid.

Plus with nature magic healing, a druid would outlast a warrior.

If we go by feats accomplished in-lore, the Light isn’t as powerful as arcane or fel magic. Wielders of the Light also don’t seem to get as much power from it as wielders of the Shadow do.

The Light can be pretty powerful at defense but compared to other magics it 's not very strong offensively except against very specific kinds of opponents like undead.

Fortunately priests have Shadow to make up for the Light’s offensive shortcomings, which gives them the edge against druids imo.

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