Priest vs Druid healer

Right now I’m trying to decide between maining a priest or a druid. I understand both classes will likely be healing in endgame and that’s fine. I will likely be going horde and rolling on a pvp server. I’m wondering what the differences between the two will be in terms of leveling, endgame, farming content at 60, and surviving in wpvp. Right now I’m leaning towards druid for all the flexibility and access to stealth, but favoring priest as well due to how wanted it will be and the fact that it has a res for 5-mans.

Why not both? It’s not like Classic is a one-month event.

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I will probably level both eventually. This is more of a question of which one to start with and focus on.

Well if your going to roll one i would pick…


Druid only has a battle rez., so there’s that… .

P.S. I must have skipped over your last sentence. Anyways, I would start with a priest and then migrate over to a druid as your alternate.

Druid is much easier as can go bear form and take all the damage. Priest is just do a small rotation then afk for the rest of the fight.

About the same.

Druid is better if you don’t want to respec between farming and raiding as you can still just bear form.

Druids just become flag carriers.

Druids are nicer to level because you can tank, which is in far higher demand than healing. The same holds true for gearing at 60. Priests are better in the long run however. The main benefit of druid after 60 will be lack of competition for slots/gear. Raids are lucky to have 1 druid, vs 5+ priests.

Anyone else have some input?

I would do priest! Find some dps buddies. I always group in areas with random dps. If they are good add em to freinds list. Everyone loves a healer, you will not lack ppl to group with and priests are amazing healers. I love mana drain in pvp. Also mind control and fear.

Do it! Go priest!

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Leveling - Both are fairly easy levelers, with Druid maybe a little easier.
End game - Priests are more in demand for raids. They’ll probably be more people rolling them, so it’s possible that weighs it out.
WPVP Survival - Has to go to the druid. If a Druid doesn’t want to die, they’re usually going to get away.

Priests are awesome all the time.

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o.O I won’t be healing in the end with my Feral Druid and also know the stigma that comes with it.

I do plan to be good with raid dps and off-tank as needed, and will still be able to assist heals if things get a little crazy, but also come with a lot of other cool abilities that a Priest just doesn’t have access to.

Leveling a Druid is fun and we honestly have little down time compared to a priest, but that can change if your leveling with a group or just 1-2 friends.

I hope you consider Druid with all the utility we get =)

Couple of things to consider. Rez is great, but more groups need Tanks over Healers, and you will be Tanking most of the time, so its not a big deal. As a Priest you never have the option to Tank, your DPS is pretty bad, and your role is pretty limited to only healing from the get go. Druids DPS is amazing up to BWL, you can Tank all Dungeons, you can Heal anything forever, you are a PvP god in the sense that you can take your own battles and thus never actually need to lose a battle. Priests are great 1v1, but world PvP isn’t 1v1, its you getting mass slammed, so it doesn’t pan out quite like you imagine. Druids are also so hard to actually kill that most people just ignore you as a Target even while questing. Its generally not worth it, and you risk an angry Druid stealth camping you for hours should you anger him.

Beyond that, Priest is taken in more numbers over Druids and are more desirable as Healers. Part of this is because they just single target heal better, but also because HoTs don’t stack and thus having more than 1-2 Druids negates a lot of their Healing potential. The upside is there are so few Druids made, historically speaking, that this evens out and you actually end up seeing far more “Looking for Resto Druid for (Insert Guild)” over people looking for Priests.

Overall, id say Druid easily. Unless Classic goes against traditional grain and we have a massive influx of Druids which would make your life much more difficult, but we have no reason to think that’ll be the case.

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I would say priest. Five man groups want a priest healer over druid any day. Priest can spec shadow in PvP and melt faces. Priests are far easier to gear as they can use the same gear for dps and healing.

Anathema. Enough said. :sunglasses:

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I’ll set my Priest bias aside to tell you this much - Druid is amazing, their MT-healing meta is incredibly strong as is their utility and you’re spot on with things you notice they excel at. You should absolutely play a Druid since you are aware of those things, I think you’ll be skilled at the class.

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UD priest.
Leveling is a breeze. Just try to keep your wand up to date.
I played a druid in vanilla. If I could do it over and play a healer again, I’d play priest.


Whenever bgs come out, 99% of all world pvp will end. You’ll have the occasional combative crossing of paths, a few ganks, but that’s about it.

Druids are much stronger in terms of utility in pvp, so if you want any dose of that, it’s a bonus.

In pve, priests are easily the better healer. That being said, because Druids can do other things, you don’t have to just heal. Druids are pretty much better than priests in everything but healing.

Like tanking.

If you are rolling them just for healing, then don’t bother with the Druid. Healing is only 25% of a Druids utility.

Priests don’t have any downtime when leveling. You’ll never OOM if you’re doing it right. It’s TTK (time to kill) that slows things down.

i would go with a troll or undead priest and be a shadow priest up to and maybe including mc. you can still heal as shadow just not as well as holy of course.

but once you see the power of shadow you might not want to heal at all! MUWHAHAHA!

really though if you feel like doing anything other than healing druid has priests beat in terms of utility and being able to do multiple roles and farming while in a half feral half resto spec or whatever you want.

If you pick Night Elf Druid and want to heal in dungeons, I suggest picking female as the male casting animations are bad.

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