Priest vs Druid healer

Priest best in all pve situations.

Priests are also amazing at leveling, spec shadow and you can still heal all 5 man’s.

Druids can run away in most pvp situations while a priest may have to fight head on in some or scream at them and watch them run into mobs and kill them or mc them off nearest cliff or jump off cliff levitate.

Priest are somewhat solid levelers, but they are clothies so going in bear form or rooting dangerous mobs are probably better then psychic screaming them into other mobs.

End game priest dispel magic and diseases, druids poison and curses.
Farming as a druid you could farm mobs without using much mana and or check farming spots for players in cat form with track humanoids.
Priests won’t know until they walked into them unless they are looking through npc minds.

Druids can cc outside root mobs and cc dragons and beasts with sleep, druids can stun with bear bash or cat pounce.
Priest shackle undead and psychic scream or mind control.

Well druids can kite mobs through entire zones so boom, see enemy faction that ganked you outside of a elite area tag a mob bring to his aoe maybe die on purpose or drop it on him.
Priest sees an enemy faction that ganked him mc him into attacking a group of people on his faction and they may kill him, because some would think he is on your side.

End game as a healer you may be treated differently then a priest, some may say invertate priest druid.

Well wpvp moon fire spam run away.
Priest will probably be better in leveling, plus you have to learn your animal forms as a druid.

Not having a rez or disease/magic dispel is painful for a healer.

Priest is by far a better healer in all content.

Druid is more flexible.

I would be playing priest if my buddy wasnt going druid. Im gonna go warrior instead. Gonna alt a priest i really wanna do the benediction quest.

Not having curse/poison removal is just as painful. In PvE anyways.

I’ve played a lot of priest in PvP at a high level in classic and played with some of the best druids in the world (stormx and yesmaster.) If you want to survive in World PvP, go druid. Druids are without a doubt the greatest world PvP class not for their ability to kill everything but for the fact that they can get out of any fght they choose ever. You also can use the exact same spec you use in premade PvP (resto bear) for World PvP, dungeon farming as tank bear or heals, and raid healing. Priests are the kings of healing, but nothing else. We have dispel utility which is excellent for PvP group play, but if you care about solo survival, druid is always your option.

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Which spec exactly are you talking about? The 30/20+1 build? Or something else?

I say depends on your playstyle.

Priest if you are more social and expected to play with friends/other players most of the time (outside of raids), druid if you are mostly solo playstyle.

Everyone seems to have that idea around here and I don’t know why…

I would say it’s just the opposite. As a druid you have the versatility to fill any role you need with just a swap of gear. That means if you aren’t able to play on the regular with a specific group of friends you can still meet the needs of the situation.

not having normal res as druid would mean you’d need to find some shadowpriest or pally friends

Not really. Your party could just not die which is really easy.

Druids can do everything, just none of them they do are great.

Fixed your statement for you.

Well my reasoning was the priest does better working with others as they are not a solo friendly class in general but they work great with others especially if OP plan to run dungeons often as priest in general is in demand more often for group runs.

OP is also planning to roll on a PVP server, and if OP has a solo playstyle, a druid with stealth is more survivable than a priest (a priest in general will melt if someone gets the initiative to attack them first).

If they decide to ever do TBC druids will be amazing. but if they keep it classic forever I will struggle with them. I knew some very very good druids in classic. Especially for pvp. But they are true hybrids. I want to feel confident that I can keep my group going.
I will also say that I played much of my vanilla days as a shadow / holy hybrid priest. I rarely struggled with healing dungeons. provided decent dps and it was soooo much fun in pvp.

I have played both to 60 in Vanilla, and I’d recommend making one of both characters and just trying them out. One can be resting in an inn while the other is leveling. By the time you get to level 20, one of the two will ‘feel’ like a better main for you, and that one you can focus on. And the other will be there when you need it.

Characters are such a personal thing – you need to play them to see what fits ‘you’.

Tanks are in higher demand than healers usually. Even when not, a druid can easily swap between roles.

You can. When you burn out of mana, a priest is just done. A druid has Innervate to keep going after level 40. Druids are the energizer bunny.