Priest Self Dispelling Sheep Instantly

wtf are u guys talking about even with batching I’ve never seen or heard about people being able to self dispel anything nevermind do it every cast.

I dont think you understood what I mean…I spam cleanse on myself - cause it dispells other CC due to batching before it can hit me.

It’s as intended as getting polymorphed by stunned mages; very.

Cleanse and dispel remove multiple debuffs so it’s probably something like:
Game checks for removable debuff and clears.
New effect lands
Game checks for second debuff, finds new effect and clears it.
But if you dont have any debuffs already, it just checks once and fails

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Before everyone cries to get rid of spell batching in its current form, don’t forget when your entire guild gathers around a songflower and you all click it at the same time, and you all get the buff… that’s spell batching.


Maybe your guild. I just run for another 3mins to one of the 4 not usually in use.

You can thank your #nochanges bafoons for synthetic spellbatching.

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  1. Need to actually show proof of this happening before I believe it.

  2. If you spam dispel on yourself with nothing to dispel you get the error message “Nothing to Dispel”. Even if this crazy bug/hack/cheat did exist it wouldn’t be spell batching because there is no batch window to exploit you CANNOT cast the spell on yourself without something to dispel.

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the videos you linked, i cant really see what happened

Correct dispel magic is reactive so he would have to wait till he is a sheep then dispel.

All I could think of for someone self dispelling a sheep is a PvP trinket, or a dot already on the person. Even with spell batching you can’t dispell the magic debuff until it lands, attempting to dispel yourself when you have no debuff just gives you an error message.

Although if you already have 1 magic debuff and you try to time your dispel for the same moment that someone sheep’s you to add a second debuff… MAYBE that would work? You’d have to already have a debuff on yourself though.

Ok well you won’t believe it then so we’ll end it at that.

I’m starting to think the person had some sort of bot program aiding them in timing? That’s my only theory.

Maybe another priest was spam-dispelling?

Nope. Solo Dwarf Priest by his lonesome.

I think I figured it out. Restorative potion.

I thought Alliance became drooling keyboard turners when they queue into AV. I want to know this Priest’s secret of hanging onto their IQ when the queue pops.

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Yeah you can batch interrupts as well by spam juking as well, it’s just a terrible system or atleast the amount of leeway it has.

Could be, could also be that offhand that does damage, or he had a DoT on him.

Sounds like you just got juked

What you saw is probably PVP trinket to break the first sheep, then pop a Restorative Potion which lasts for 30 sec and cleanses every 5, and maybe some DR happening after several re-sheeps…

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