Man, I’m sick of Priests being shafted, flexed on — or presented as a subclass preliminary stage to becoming as ‘superior’ Paladins in the lore
Even in the Priest Orderhall campaign back in Legion, your job was to be the helpless orderhall that needed to be saved by the big ole strong Paladins Heck even one of the Night Elf Priestesses admits that priests are the lesser beings to Paladins, and prompts to become a pally over a priest …
To top it off, priest heroes don’t get too much awe relevance either Save except for the legendary MVP known as Velen.
Heck even a notable priest hero has been turned into a paladin & put into denial by Blizzard to try not make it an obvious spit in the face to the class of priests — Naturally, I’m talking about Anduin.
- Wielder of light
- Uses a sword
- Wears plate
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck … It’s a duck.
That’s Anduin with paladin
As for shadow-spec being “Masters of the void” and having relevance with that lore? Pssssh — a HUNTER currently has the most void relevance in the lore at the moment, lmao
I mean don’t even get me started on race identities that tie in with class-identities with conflicting lore — Like how any who so much as ‘treat’ with the void are to be exiled from Quel’Thalas (Sorry Blood Elves, you canonically no longer have shadow priests now).
I thought Blood Elf Priests would get access to the Blood Knight tabard due to them having siphoned the light like the paladins did to get their power originally too — but it seems Blizzard forgot they existed? … Anyway
Ultimately …
I’d love to have more priest lore significance and have such reflected in game-play with quests, lore and characters
Please write down all of your conserns and we’ll send a paladin along to solve them for you.
It’ll be a ret paladin, so be sure to write in the margins of a coloring book to hold their attention.
Often it’s villains such as Ner’zhul, Cho’gal, Old Gods, and Xal’atath with shadow priests.
I’ve started a few priests on Classic Fresh. A level 11 dwarf, 21 human, 6 forsaken and newly 8 night elf on hardcore (replayed multiple times because i kept wanting to change a hairstyle or name) and I’m in love with how each race has so much lore unique to it, even just in the starter zones, and how they all play so differently to each other - especially night elf and the emphasis on Elune. I’m quite sad how much is lost or twisted in later expansions.
Eh, Ner’Zhul is more of a Shaman / Warlock and Cho’gal is more of a Mage / Warlock
… Xal’atath though, I can accept Hopefully Xal’atath can beat that despicable hunter who’s trying to take shadow-priests spotlight with the void – Alleria
Jokes aside though, I seriously hope it’s Natalie Saline and maybe a Horde hero who end up being the main heroes who confront & defeat Xal’atath
Ya know, I wanna take offense to this but lmaoooooo
Clearly the only solution is to delete Priests.
Sure, let’s begin with Aussielight >:)
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Paladins are just better.
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As someone whose first and second mains were a Paladin and Priest, this thread amuses me.
Seriously though, I don’t like the Shadow Priest lore.
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My money might still be on Khadgar or Manastorm to make a fantastic conclusion for Xal’atath.
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I mean, I think the most interesting priest lore I ever saw was when they gave a dagger to Xal’atath, which caused a lot of problems
And a hunter is going to be resolving the story of Xal’atath it seems …
The meme of every weapon being claimed by a hunter continues
TBF we are chasing the shadow artifact weapon around. Plus she was never truly controlled by whoever wielded her, and can definitely overpower any mortals trying to out-void her now.
There have been several major priests in lore, obviously first and foremost is Fiona, but also Tyrande, Velen, and Moira Thaurissan. There seems to be a lot of priest lore in areas where Draenei and Night Elves are present. Outlands had some priest stuff happen.
I’ll admit. I rarely even remember priests exist unless they’re healing me (or alongside me) in raids. They could use a bit more prominence in the story. Moira is a priest, and Anduin used to be a priest. Velen hasn’t shown up recently, and Tyrande was the Night Warrior with more screen time than she ever had as a priestess. I guess Calia is a priest as well, but we rarely see other priests of the Horde making an appearance (even though trolls have a large number of priests).
you think elves got it bad? blizzard outright forgot about ALL forsaken priest lore, what the light does to them, the church of forgotten shadows, all of it.
let’s hope he doesn’t use the dagger lol