Priest Lore rant

Tyrande is best priest if you ask me. Sure Anduin is powerful but Tyrande is more traditional.

It’s…fine but I rather the dps spec be more light based. The whole shadow priest theme should have been its own class.


Yes :rage:

Especially since Night Elf Priestesses were meant to hold a special tie & lore aspect towards Elune and she pretty much spat in that and became a Paladin through human culture … Like, way to wash away Nightelven significance AS WELL as priest significance :joy: :sob:

Still doesn’t quite change the fact that the designated void spec is outclassed in the void department by a hunter, lol

I was talking about Alleria, with how the story is aiming her to be the big ole protagonist against Xal’atath, rather than a priest :face_with_spiral_eyes:

But it’s true. Us Paladins are just better.

Honestly, I kinda dig them, they are the closest thing to Pyskers in this game when you think about it.

Unfortunately, the gameplay just doesn’t do it for me.

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Yeah, priest lore in general with Horde races seems to have been washed away & brutally murdered — Either by being knocked out the field to make way for the Alliance priest lore, or to become ‘better’ by turning into paladins :unamused: … But yeah :face_exhaling: Priest lore is seriously lacking.

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WoW has a growing issue where the gap between major and minor characters is getting wider and wider.

One side effect of that is any class that doesn’t have a major character representing them may as well have no representation at all.

We see it with priests, but also with warlocks who don’t have any real presence outside of bad guys who die quickly.


She (very briefly) had her time in the spotlight, unfortunately now she’ll be forgotten forever and just waste away in Netherlight Temple.


  • Ner’Zhul: Shaman, then a warlock aaaand then a necromancer (as the Lich King).
  • Old Gods: Hmm they’re not really quite something that fits into any class category.
  • Cho’gal: Mage – then (and?) a warlock; usually best being described as a sorcerer.
    (Is also Legendary ‘warlock’ hero in Hearthstone)

Except with – Xal’Atath: I suppose you got me there with that one, however looking @ how the story is going, it looks like she’s going to have her story concluded by a hunter who is being presented as the “superior void using hero” – rather than a priest :face_with_diagonal_mouth: … Thus:

Priests get shafted yet again.

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Can I say this as someone with a priest main for this expansion, shadow priest DOES NOT feel like a “priest” to me honestly. It feels more like… a shadow mage… almost. Like when I go to the priest order hall… the shadow priest’s don’t feel priestly to me…. Feel’s more like a combination of shadow/void/ wizard. :man_shrugging:

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Xalatath, the greatest threat in wow history says, Hi

(And anduin is still a priest, so is moira. That means the alliance has 3 leaders that are priests. No other class can say that)

Wheres the evoker, the warrior, the rogue, the warlock, or any shaman that isnt thrall, any druid that isnt malfuruon, and demon hunter that isnt illidan.

Care to re-evaluate your position?

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I believe they’ve altered the lore that the Shadowmoon clan are more priesty. Kinda pushed Ner’zhul into priest since WoD’s depiction. :waxing_crescent_moon:

Although voidy shadowy moon stuff do get more complicated as some priest abilities will be used by warriors, rogues, and hunter npcs. :knot::robot:

Eh ~ The Shadowmoon Clan were presented as a very spiritual shamanistic culture in Chronicles :person_shrugging:

… On top of that, WoD is also an alternate universe — So there’s that too.

Plus the whole Alternate Universe Ner’Zhul & the entire Shadowmoon Clan were pathetic, they got made a mockery of — by a cut-off-from-reinforcements Alliance AND had their seat of power + warchief utterly clowned by 5 murder hobos … So they’re not exactly someone I’d want representing priests. :joy:

If with all the above you’d still like them to represent priests, then that kind of reinforces my overall point rather than goes against it @ them having poor power scales in lore & ultimately lackluster significance …

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No one is really perfect, the best goblin and gnome characters are tinkers or dragons while other actual class characters like master Fizzlebang summoned Jaraxxas. :robot::magic_wand:

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Sure, can you care to go to Specsavers & then actually read the thread?

Because if you do, you’ll see I already addressed those …



I addressed in the Original Post of this thread …

As for Moira, she hardly plays much significant relevance in power or awe-appeal as a priest like Illidan does as a Demon Hunter or Thrall does as a shaman … Like stating otherwise is quite a reach, lmao — The only priest hero that carries ACTUAL weight, I’d argue is my favourite character: Velen.

:thinking: Care to re-evaluate your position?

I feel like Shadow Priests are easily the most evil class in the game.

Even the Fel is afraid of the Void.

And we’ve got Xal’atath currently, ofc.

Yeah, wish we saw more Alonsus Faol or people like him. Velen was cool, too.

There’s Calia Menethil, but she kinda sucks lol. The Forsaken don’t like her, for good reason.

Also Anduin, I keep forgetting he’s a Priest at the end of the day.

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I mean you say Shadow priests are “easily the most evil class” in the game — due to the void – but we have literal ‘Void Elves’ walking amongst us and most of all: Alleria who’s infused with the very soul of a void-god (Void Naaru) and trumps all shadow-priests in lore as a hunter. :joy: :joy: :joy:

I’m not sure about Shadow Priests being the most evil class in the game’s story, because from where I’m standing? … Shadow Priests are the biggest joke in the lore. :grimacing:

Yeah, that kinda blows lol.

Sylvanas too, the biggest ‘death magic’ user, was also a Hunter, not a DK.

I think they’re in the spotlight simply because they are sexy, lol.

I mean sorta … Sylvanas was at least a Banshee entity possessing her own body – Alleria just kinda gobbled up some void and apparently knows more about it than anyone else. :joy:

That being said, Sylvanas was hardly the biggest “death magic” user either — Aside from @ the end of BFA where she was temporarily buffed by the Jailor; apart from that though she merely dabbled here & there → Whereas Alleria on the otherhand is buffed in her own right, perked , knowledgable and the full on nemesis & feaster of said-force she inundates herself with. lol

Technically he’s right that void is the scariest magic as you literally go more insane as you gain more power and you have to hold the whispers and madness at bay constantly. Also the void realms are probably fleshy void nightmares and unspeakable horrors with like 20 eyes and stuff. It’s just not represented well ingame. :man_shrugging: also again shadow priests feel separate to me from the other priests, they feel more like shadow mages or wizards.