Hello. I am an experienced player that is looking for a new home for the coming expansion. For the last couple of expansion I have been raiding with an AOTC guild of friends, but life has caught up with me and I am no longer to raid on the weekends. So there loss can be your gain. I am a friendly player that is always down to do things with the guild. I have great guild attendance and am looking to push myself harder in the coming expansion. My main is a priest that I primarily play as shadow but have lots of experience in the healing specs. The only preferences I have is that I stay horde, but I am willing to move to any server for the chance to prove myself. If you think I will be a good fit for your guild feel free to contact me on BNet (Deadpool#1169) or Discord (Brian#4330). Thank you for the consideration and I hope to see you in game.
What realm are you playing? I’m the recruiting officer of Risen Ambition from Thrall realm, and we needing a good Shadow Priest for Shadowlands.
bnet MrCools#11386 if interested in applying for us
Faction: Horde
Realm: Hyjal
Raid Times: Wed/Thur 7:30 - 10:00pm PST
Hello Forkrul! I am the GM / Raid Lead for Take on Me, a two day mythic progression guild located on Hyjal (Horde).
If you are interested in learning more about us and want to be a part of a guild with a proven history and a bright future feel free to stop by our forum post and use one of the following contact methods below so that we can schedule a time to talk over discord to see if our guild is the right fit for you.
Discord: MOARCOOKIEZ#3023
We look forward to hearing from you!
Hey Forkrul!
[H] 11/12M (Bleeding Hollow) is recruiting for our core raiding group! Raid times Tues/Thurs 9:30-12:30 EST (also raiding Sunday for rest of BFA for CE). We are currently recruiting Mage/Hunter to finish out this tier. Any other exceptional player in any roles or anyone who is looking to get into raiding for Shadowlands!
For more information you may contact any of the officers below:
Officers – Batibo / Gipy#1681, Aiihop / Aiihop#6372, Simpljaks / Simpljak#2258
Hey Forkrul! Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.
Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild that is coming back from the ashes of taking a break and looking to clear heroic and mythic. We are currently looking for more members to fill out our roster (Dps and Healers)
OB are going ham come Shadowlands and will have groups for leveling, and mythics to gear out quick and get ahead fast and efficiently.
We plan to jump right into heroic come its release. If you are interested in a good group of players who have gotten CE in multiple expansions then this guild is for you!
we are located on Lightbringer, Alliance faction.
Raid times are as follows.
Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
If interested please reach out to one of us! or leave a message on this post and we will contact you!
Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851
Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788
hellllloooo! Our guild manages AOTC and can push slightly into mythic at the moment.
raid 9pm-12 central wed & mon.
if you’re willing to deal with a rowdy few that love them jokes and want to take things in a good attitude. Looking to advance form normal to heroic to mythic without you even noticing it. give us a chance! we still run some pugs though raids on wed and mon so feel free to give us a test and see how we are.
Hey Forkrul,
Feel free to toss us an application if you like! We are looking for RDPS right now.
Guild: Meta [US-Illidan]
- Needs: RDPS
- Raid Times: Wednesday/Friday/Monday 8-11PM CST
Click to Apply
Meta is a new semi-hardcore guild on US-Illidan, looking to recruit active members for Mythic Castle Nathria progression after obtaining AOTC in Shadowlands/beyond. Our primary end goal is to progress through Mythic at a reasonable pace.
We are looking for people who are socially active, enjoy mythic+, and who bring a good attitude with them. We expect our raiders to have good situational awareness, knowledge of class( es ) played, and a willingness to improve.
Finding great synergism takes time and we look for people who are willing to work with us from the ground up. We want to create a good community that fits best with our team.
- Maturity/professionalism in conduct towards others
- Knowledge of class( es ) played
- Online/ready for invites 15min. prior to raid
- Can handle constructive criticism
- Ability to realize we may need to sub on progression
- We provide cauldrons/food: Please have personals too
- Keep chit-chat to a minimum during pulls for callouts: PTT ON
- This shouldn’t need to be said, but toxic behavior may result in removal
We are a small guild that does not typically recruit for the bench, but there may be circumstances where we need to sit a player or two due to raid composition, or class related abilities that may make progression goals easier to achieve (those who sit will be brought back in the following week).
Castle Nathria Mythic Roster
As a new guild, we are often asked how we will be handling the Mythic roster for Nathria. Currently, we will be taking best performers from Heroic runs into the Mythic and reviewing our logs as necessary in both areas.
GM BNET: Tellie#11987
GM Discord: Tellie#2200
Current Needs
Ranged DPS (Mage, Boomkin, Warlock, SPriest)
I don’t see times for you so here is some info.