Hello Classic Community,
I am willing to play priest at classic but it’s really hard to choose the race because :
- i love the way Elves cast a spell ;
- raid leaders will welcome dwarves or undead players because of the fear ward
Should i make a Dwarf/Undead thinking about raiding or being en Elf Priest is enough to raid ?
Depends on what is more important to you, playing a character you enjoy more or possibly being part of a ‘hardcore’ raiding guild. For me, it will be a night elf priest.
UD don’t have fear ward.
Fear Ward doesn’t make Night Elf priests irrelevant. Groups and raids will still want you.
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Yes UD have Will of the Forsaken.
Thanks all for your replies !
If you’re Alliance…dwarf. It’s the only choice.
Dude. No one will EVER be able to sneak fear you. Not ever.
Yeah. Dwarf.
If you go Horde, be Forsaken. OMG, I wish I could be Forsaken, so you have to do it for me, sir. Go forth…to victory.
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There’s troll and there’s…well other people that think undead priests are good which is a shame. These are probably the same people that play undead instead of orc warlocks too.
We don’t talk about them.
No, it’s not that. It’s that the Forsaken are the best lore in the game (well, the game before goblins). I love them. I love them so much.
If I were a priest for the Horde, I’d be an undead priest named Maggie with spiky hair, and it would be glorious.
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I constantly click and unclick the girls in undercity and brill just so they can say “embrace the shadooooooooows” I love Brill so much. Also the gallows end tavern has probably (definitely) my favorite music in the game.
“Do not seek death.”
P.S. I bought the track for the Gallows End Tavern just to listen to years and years ago. It’s in a few of my playlists.
I was messing around in brill during the stress test as soon as I was reminded of that music, I put it on my phone.
What was cool was during the stress I saw like 40 people standing around in the tavern, I bet they were just listening to the music.
a good tank doesn’t need fear ward. Humans have more spirit and feedback is way cooler in pvp.
Honestly I’m picking undead purely for aesthetics. I’ve never been able to stomach trolls.
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Undead don’t get Fear Ward. If you’re only picking Undead for that, then you can safely pick a Troll if you prefer them.
As for Dwarf versus Night Elf, Dwarf is the better choice, but very few people are going to turn down a Night Elf Priest if they need a Priest.
People would prefer a Dwarf Priest over a Night Elf Priest, though. It’s more about giving yourself every advantage possible.
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They can’t wear shoes! I mean. Why? Surely, there are trolls who want shoes.
I can’t do it.
And…dwarves are awesome. I mean, sure, I struggled with the option of being a tall, leggy, gorgeous human female vs. the plainer dwarven females, but I’ve grown accustomed to BfA Meriweather (depicted here), and I love being a tiny little toon. Also, Classic Meriweather has cute little Princess braids. I mean. Humans don’t have braids, but dwarves do.
And fear ward. And stone form.
What a silly thing to say. You can Fear Ward more than just tanks.
I just can’t play a priest without having shadowguard, it’s too good. However undead priests are really cool.
Troll priests are super underrated. They’re great in both PvP AND PvE.
You lose out on WotF, but Shadowguard definitely rivals Devouring Plague in PvP utility. It has a low mana cost, good damage (~300-400/charge depending on gear) and procs all the shadow talents (i.e. interrupting a rogue’s stunchain with Blackout). On top of that you have a super spammable (45 mana) Hex that lowers healing received by 20%.
Of course, Berserking will save lives in PvE and your own in PvP. Berserking + Mana Burn is another great combo.
Roll troll priest today!
You can pretty much ignore the rest of the game and click on undead and they’re great. “Be about your business”. “Victory for Sylvanas” “Embrace the Shadows!”
No need to even level.
Also my favorite is the girls when you first click them: “yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees?”
Dwarf priests can fear ward a whole raid lol.
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