Hey are you talking about anti horde stuff? I’m a warlock! Well I’ll just fear more then and then my cutie pie will seduce you before a soulfire comes, so how about that.
(after phase 1 I’m going to do that obnoxious 5/5/45 warlock build that goes all in and makes people hate me)
No I’m going to play on Grobbulus the rp pvp server. As appealing as Herod is (it does look pretty crazy fun with how huge it is gonna be) I’m gonna go with Grobb cuz I pushed for the rp pvp server.
I bet everyone on Herod is gonna have a lot of fun
Well if we’re going to argue PVP… no sane priest is going to heal. You’re going shadow. Human is better. Feedback, silence, and blackout stuns can overwhelm any caster trying to fear you in the first place.
If you’re horde you’re going undead for Wotf and devouring plague. Shadowguard is a meme.
The priest trispec is a sneaky dirty pvp spec for troll priests, the one with improved mana burn, holy nova, and silence. It basically makes you the most annoying person in the battleground while still being a healer.
And you can pick up blackout as a troll doing that. It’s kinda dirty.
Obviously you aren’t a great healer but you’re better than you should be and you keep stunning people that bother you with shadowguard. Of course hex is still available rank 1 for the 20% heal reduction.
Here is the thing. Raids need 4 or so priests right? MC/BWL/ONY. Yeah those are fairly casual and don’t require much stuff. So raids can be a bit picky.
If you want to play an Elf and you can commit to hardcore hours? They’re going to take you. It gets down to lack of players who can fit that schedule in the later phases.
You’re really going to take a dwarf priest who has less overall healing and half the consumes maybe no flasks against a Night Elf priest who is fully consumed and ready to go? If you won’t take them, some other hardcore guild will.
NE priests cleared naxx back in the day. They’ll do it again. People who are min/maxing aren’t even going for world first. Most of them read that good players say you need to be dwarf and are emulating what they heard. Because fact of the matter is most of the hardcore guilds aren’t going to clear naxx.
Everyone is hardcore the first two weeks of Classic. Then they run out of personal time and go back to work and realize they aren’t high schoolers anymore. So if they want to clear Naxx with committed raiders… they’re going to take the elf with consumables.
Apologies for the rant, but I have been denied raid spots for wanting to go Night Elf priest and was denied due to this “min/max” mentality and think it’s beyond dumb. Play what you want.
If I was playing alliance I would play human not dwarf. The fights where fear matters are trivial. For priest I mean. Who gives a crap about fights in BWL? Those will be stomped and we all know it.
Let other priests be noob dwarf priests and cover fear wards. In AQ/Naxx Humans are better. Yeah I know there’s those bugs in aq with fear but come on.
I want to say Nef will not be stomped…but compare Shaman call to Paladin call. On top of Paladin buffs and healing in general and for Alliance, yeah all PvE content will be a stomp for Ally.
Anything in MC/Ony/BWL is just a few people maybe wiping you sometimes, they just aren’t hard and in 1.12 we’re pretty strong for the content. Few wipes, few screwups, anyone should be able to do all of it.
Not like there’s a ton of mechanics, step out of a few things, shuffle your feet, that’s about it really.
Anyone should be able to make it right up to Huhuran or Twin Emps…then all of a sudden progress will be lights out.
LFR is not harder than all of classic, heh. That’s being a bit silly. Only time I wiped in LFR was in legion on that star augur boss because a tank was getting feared in legion and wiped us because there was a guaranteed explosion thing.
Don’t be dumb and say LFR is easier than AQ40. LFR is easier than Molten Core.
On Topic: Alliance Priest > Dwarf (What does Human even bring to the table?)
Horde: Undead > WotF helps to fight against Warlock counter. Troll > Melts melee even faster with Shadowguard and their Hex can put the hurt on.
I’ve done the raids many times on various pservers. I know that’s not exactly what we’ll expect, but I’ve beaten (and wiped) on those fights. They’re reasonably well scripted. They aren’t super hard but they aren’t freebies either.
We’ll stomp MC, win and wipe on BWL, and then in AQ40 problems will arise. Don’t get too crazy about LFR and how easy the game is, MC and BWL are easy. AQ40 and Naxx is not.
The OP was not asking about PvP, though, so who cares?
In raiding, Fear Ward is useful for more than just the tanks. Even if a tank can consistently swap to Berserker Stance to Berserker Rage the fear, there are other raid members who could still use it.
I think it’s assumed if you’re comparing the two races, other variables are not being considered, or are presumed to be equal. If the same player chooses one race over another, they do not suddenly stop bringing consumables.
A raid would prefer a Dwarf Priest who brings consumables over a Night Elf Priest who brings consumables.
Anyone dedicated enough to choose Dwarf over Priest because of racials is probably already going to be dedicated enough to be bringing consumables, and even if they aren’t, that isn’t going to change by playing Night Elf.
The question being asked in the OP is from the perspective of a raider, not from a raider leader. Keep that in mind.
Is it really dumb, or is it smart? They’re trying to pick people who have given themselves the biggest head start in terms of performance. Someone who did not concern themselves with picking the best race is less likely to be someone who cares about their performance.
Does that mean all Night Elf Priests are noobs who show up late, don’t bring consumables, etc? No, of course not, but taking the effort to pick the best race indicates to a raid leader you’re more likely to care about your performance.
When all they see is two messages reading “Holy Priest LFG” and one is a Dwarf while the other is a Night Elf, they’ll lean towards the Dwarf. Assuming they’re both equal geared and both bringing consumables, why not?
Retail is more mechanically challenging, but you have far more tools to deal with that challenge.
Classic content is simple, as opposed to retail’s complex content, but both are difficult in their own way. Classic requires far more preparation. Gearing is slower, resources are less abundant, you can’t change your spec at will, and so on.