Pride month is coming soon. In-game ideas and suggestions

When you talk about how Stonewall was bad, are you talking about how it was a Mafia-run bar? Because I think everyone already knows that

What you’re trying to do is crystal clear and it’s not going to work. People are not going to be quiet, stop being visible, stop communicating, and stop networking to please faux news consumers with degrees from the deep south.

I like how you talk down to others and assume their age alongside trying to oppress and silence actual LGBT+ posters.

“Blah blah blah blah kids on the internet.”

I’m 40 years old. But go ahead and think I’m such a stupid child for not gobbling down your extremist conservative anti-LGBT+ stances that LGBT+ people should hush up and go back in the closet if it makes you feel better.

THIS is how I know you’re younger than you claim to be. “Conservative stances” — right. Anti-corporation, recalling the past decades of corporate abuse of my community, seeing Black and Brown gay men used and abused by White gay men for “the movement,” understanding the value of history, recognizing the platitudes when I see them, realizing that “progress” isn’t a month of rainbow flags plastered everywhere but requires substantial social change, fighting HIV/AIDS as an activist in the late 1980s and early 1990s, but somehow—miraculously—and just because I don’t agree with your child’s view of the world, I’m a “conservative.”

Get lost with your noise. You are bamboozled and elitist. Do the legwork to get your facts straight.

Progress isn’t streamers and sequins.

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I never said “Stonewall [was] bad.” I’m saying the history you’re being presented of it isn’t the true history.

Someday, people will dig into the real relationship between the White man who organized it and the BIPOC lives the event helped destroy. Far from the narrative of a “spontaneous uprising,” the Stonewall event was planned for (but not planned exclusively).

If you would care to start digging into the history of Stonewall, a disturbing picture emerges. I’d name names, but that’s against Blizzard’s forum policy. But there was a Black drag queen involved and her activist white roommate; the drag queen is often said to have started Stonewall—hint: she didn’t and said as much in several interviews. But it was necessary to spin that narrative at the time in order to protect White lives.

Seriously. Dig into Stonewall and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Some people were making a name for themselves as professional activists and others were placed in puppet-like “leadership” roles of organizations that were doomed to fail from the start.

One day not too soon, when certain people have shed their mortal coils and can no longer sue or threaten to sue (as has been done in the past), there will be an account of the horrific tole Stonewall took on BIPOC gay lives. There will also be several tell-alls about how a certain movement destroyed the carefully laid progress of the Mattachine Society (and, to a lesser degree, the Daughters of Bilitis.)

Pride isn’t what most people think it is and doesn’t represent poor gays, BIPOC gays, and most gays who are disconnected from the rest of the so-called community.

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Can you even walk past a mirror without headbutting the reflection… :man_facepalming:

After reading a lot of this thread, as a straight person, I am very confused. I did indeed think the request was pretty out there but wasn’t sure cause “I’m straight”. Maybe I have a straight bias or something. You saying this made everything make sense. Thank you.

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I have an idea. Just continue to play the game and ignore people who are acting weird.

The community, unfortunately, isn’t all that inclusive when you don’t fit a certain skin or body template. This has always been odd to me because for people who know what it feels like to be discriminated against, why would you do that to others. This goes to show that our community has no moral highground to stand on when we perpetuate the same moral failings. We’re all operating on in-group vs out-group biases.

The real people that need to be protected now are the bipoc and trans community. Especially the trans bipoc community. I don’t feel it’s right that we cheer and celebrate when they are constantly discriminated against.

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As an older, physically crippled trans person, I think we can multitask. We can celebrate how far we’ve come, continue fighting, and work on being more inclusive.

It doesn’t have to be this no fun or socializing allowed, everyone should hush up and go back in the closet thing that some people are pushing.

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I utilize the ignore function all the time, but just bit confused on what that has to do with having a pride event in-game.

Okay that’s great, but not sure what that has to do with having a pride event in-game.

A lot of forum posters seem to have poor judgment as to who is acting sincerely and who is just plain weird. If the event does not concern them, they can go about their business.

Yeah I think like all things, there’s some sort of balance. We need to be aware of our history and celebrate the victories, but also to be aware of our current issues and some of the harmful negative stereotypes that are still affecting people. My hope is that they get a voice to speak up about their experiences as we progress, just like how I think your experience is a pretty powerful one.

I think ultimately, we need to keep in mind that everyone has their own way of showing up and perhaps the world is big enough for both pride and skepticism.

You really have to wonder at the intentions of the OP

Ah, yes. The beauty :heart:

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Moderators, plz.

Don’t worry apparently the threads are getting cracked down by blizzard now. You just have to flag and move on.

The threads are getting cracked down now just flag and move on moderators should see that this is a troll thread

If this thread is locked or deleted, they op will just create another one. I doubt it will stop,

No it will mods are cracking down on the OP threads currently

I like these ideas, 2023 should be the year blizz looks into this.