Price hikes for OCE

I’ve never encountered the mouse thing. Is anyone else seeing it? Seems if it was a major problem people would be complaining about it every day.

As for falling through ships, yes that’s the way they work. Some ships are for riding around, others are just background effects

And with Dawnbreaker I had no problem landing on it during the Dawnbreaker Dungeon. Granted that dungeon was a little confusing but even I was able to figure it out so it couldn’t have been that difficult.


Do you have 2 monitors? Happens to me every time I launch, with or without addons enabled.

It’s a bug that isn’t consistent, but happens enough in keys where it’s annoying af.

??? Not the ones you’re supposed to land on in Dawnbreaker.

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Except for the fact, that never happened. Inflation was WORLD WIDE. We saw it topple governments in the UK, Continential Europe, Turkey, Sri Lanka, etc with everyone thinking their government was responsible.

It wasn’t. Inflation was caused by COVID induced supply chain issues in the production countries.

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Throws a drop bear on Breadisfunny :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You don’t wanna know us Canadian how much we pay.

The thing about the price hike is, our dollars aren’t usually this low, and they will bounce back, and then we will be paying more. They will not suddenly adjust when the tariffs hit and bring our prices down. They’ll protect their bottom line. There are other regions where subs cost less, so it’s not about equality, just maximising wealth in a capitalist system by taking the excuse while it can look acceptable on paper to bring us up, knowing the dollars will almost certainly move closer.


Like, inflation is part of it, but I am not going into the full extend of the full reason. It is a highly political topic, and something not worth a suspension for here on the forums.

That’s from 2020.

Price Changes for World of Warcraft Services in Australia and New Zealand - Wowhead News

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A virus didn’t force the governments to do the big brain move of shutting everything down and inflating the money supply thats all on us humans

You can’t be that thick.

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Thats better. Cheers.

Ah. It was the only one I found at the time in my Google search.

Edit: although it looks to be the same wording.


LOL its not a price hike, its a price correction.


Not blizzards fault your country cant figure out its own currency issues and has lost 30% of its value in just 5 years.

Go blame your govt, not blizzard.

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you are not the first country to see price hikes, Canada was giving the increases right in the middle of the pandemic when people were not working and struggling…

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A bit unrelated but I really wish they actually tried to find a solution for oce lag in instances, the anger isn’t directed at oce players but often gets confused with that, nothing against dingos.

It’s been a long time now, think they can figure out something.


So how much would a Brutosaur be then, as $120 or was already a lot :sweat_smile:

The lag in BRD when the anniversary dropped was insaaaannnne.

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Doesn’t it come off the shop today? I swear, it was till the 6th of Jan, and the new prices take effect in February.

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Separated regions or a middle ground host like Classic has for BGs. Lag isn’t as bad now for OCE as it was a few months ago since they fixed a connection fault, but it’s still noticeable if you’ve been playing with 20ms for years.

Atleast it doesn’t matter in queued content, but if you’re knowingly signing up to OCE/NA groups, whichever causes you to lag then it’s your own fault for joining a laggy host. Plenty of addons there to help point out which realms belong to which regions if you wish to avoid them.