Price hikes for OCE

Blizzard releasing buggier and buggier slop every patch and now we have to pay more.

Great company, thanks Blizzard.


Not sure why you are complaining. We get to pay more per month to have the same content copy pasted each patch, with maximum recycled minimum effort content. Look at all the high quality transmog content you can earn in game as part of your monthly sub, it’s not like they restrict the good stuff to the cash shop.

And with the industry-leading highest quality QA and totally not aibot support they provide, we should be thankful the price isn’t higher.

It’s amazing value for money.


oh for the love of…DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE A SOURCE? when will gd stop making posts that assume we know what theyre talking about without giving any context whatsoever?
no seriously this has to stop.
if its austrailia based news…yeah uhm you need to tell us what youre referencing.


Source for what? There’s a blue post on here about a price increase across the board for australia and new zealand.


i dont see it. if its in the oceanic forums…most us people dont read them for obvious reasons. its like going in the oceanic forums and expecting them to know about the latest us price increase. its not that i dont care. its that most people here live in the us and thus have no clue whats being talked about.


Doesn’t affect me then…


from the looks of it they might be coming in line with the usd


Not here in the US. :exploding_head:

Here’s a portion of the post in the OCE forum.


this is what people forget
$280 nzd converted to $158 usd this is 12 month pricing


The price “increases” simply match the US prices. They are not paying more than the US. They might feel like it, if income isn’t relatively the same as US though. But after conversion all services are the same price. This is a simple currency adjustment.


Isn’t this more the fault of your governments for ruining your dollar?


Yet you stay subbed.

Self-inflicted problem.

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yes how dare he ask for and hope for better


Considering that our dollar is tied to the strength of the US dollar…

But that aside, the higher you price goods, the more you risk pricing people out. Can I afford the new price of $23.95 (increased from $19.95) per month? Yes. But this is pushing the limit of what is affordable. If the price increases again, and I expect it will in 5 years or so. I may not be able to afford the next increase, which would potentially push WoW prices up to $27.95 per month.

Younger audiences might also be affected by this. I can tell you now that my brother used to have to ask my parents for money to pay for his WoW subscription. Now back then it was still around $15 a month (I think it was around $17) so it was affordable. If he had to ask for $23.95 a month back then? My parents would have told him to find a new hobby.


It’s concerning how many people are happy with the copy pasted (crappy) versions of the Timeless Isle that almost every patch has been. We even have an entire patch practically being removed tomorrow, not to mention the countless unfixed bugs that have been in since beta.


Funny thing is, I did the whole campaign and all the Delves and I’m not seeing any of these errors. Maybe a disconnect once in a while but that’s about it.


Mouse locked to window having to be turned off and on every time you launch WoW. Falling through ships in Dawnbreaker, mobs casting at you from across the map in Dawnbreaker. These are the 3 that are pretty constant and what I’ve seen weekly, even daily for the locked to window bug.

Evoker combat bug is another. Somehow keeping aggro after death has been a bug impacting the class since its creation.


This has nothing to do with Blizzard actually. This has to do with out currency exchange caused by our Government making our dollar weaker. Do not blame Blizzard for something they have no control over.


It was EMAILED to us.