They basically stole my idea but I’m going to blame them for messing it up.
Space pirates…
There won’t BE any rum, because of that Tweet! D:<
what you talkin about?
We got rum ingame still!
Yeah but I can’t enjoy it on the seas! I can’t go yar har fiddle dee dee!
No running scurvy dogs through!
No going down the sails with a main gauche in my hand!
No waving my wheellock in the face of a merchant ship captain!
All ruined! The rum tastes like ASHES to me! D:<
/slowly holds up a dnd space pirate themed campaign
theres always an alternative?
Hadozee Rogue who is enthusiastic about swabbing the deck, please!
i’ma be half malfunctioning warforged whose stuck on pirate accents mode.
Sorry friendo, we’re not at that stage yet.
Tbc - legion (demons)
Wrath - shadowlands (undead)
Cata - dragonflight (dargonz)
Mop - bfa (faction… Wars?)
Wod -??
New orc expansion confirmed!
Or smugglers!
Didn’t Ion or whoever say no dark rangers and we got the customization skin? And I think they said no 3rd spec for evoker (coulda just been no tank spec, I’d have to look), and we have aug voker.
I am not a fan of the idea of a pirate expac/class but they have said no before and then given us whatever.
I’m glad that we can more or less not expect a pirate expansion. People asking for that after BfA are insane. We missed that boat.
But if the options are “pirates” or “void war”, well, I don’t want either of them. WoW gets incredibly awful when it goes cosmic, and pirates are just lame thematically, even as someone who generally prefers more down-to-earth stories.
First we have to see what male ogres look like. Because my new head cannon is that all the orcs we see in-game are female.
Oh the urge to shine his head would be too much!
ngl i never played dnd, an i am open to the idea.
even made a few chars.
(some few not humans)