Preservation buff logic?

So when a melee gets more ranged it’s compensating them for something they else they are lacking in. Like mobility or survivability or both. Take ret paladin for example, it was one of the most on-the-floor dps out there. They gave it a bit of range, and buffed its defense, and now it’s golden.

But for ranged specs, it’s different. Range was never a factor in a class’s mobility or survivability until evoker was introduced. Some specs got more, but never less. They are treating it like, because evoker is more mobile, then it should get less range and survivability.

Meanwhile no other ranged dps has that tradeoff. The tradeoff ranged has historically faced was you either get more mobility or more survivability. When you examine evoker, they’ve traded range AND survivability (except for aug, who’s tanky AF) for mobility.

And the kicker is, evoker isn’t even the most mobile caster, because of its distinct lack of rotational instant cast abilities in single target/light cleave for either dps spec. And it’s mobility mechanic does not work on the most important spells it has.


Ah yes… rogues. The pinnacle of a class that needs survivability and mobility.

Next argument?

Maybe after you read the rest of the post

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The rest of the post is based on your assertion that range is given to melee based off of compensation for something, yet I immediately disproved that to be inaccurate.

The rest of the post isn’t relevant since it stems from the argument that the range of melee is based on necessity.

Evoker doesn’t need more range, evoker players just need to get better at playing it.

And we circle back to “everyone who doesn’t like this is just bad”


I’m very sure not everyone who dislikes the range is bad (obviously).

But ‘not liking’ something is very different than something ‘not working’ or being a ‘failed experiment’. It’s very clear based on performance at a high level that the range is not an inhibitor.


If you think evoker needs more dps, then ask for more dps. If you think a dps buff cannot make evoker better than 15 yards more range, I would say you’re wrong.

Say, 200% dps buff vs 15 yard range. (Or healing in this case. so 10 yard range vs 200% more healing.)

If you can put a price on range, clearly, evoker does not need more range.

The representation of pres and dev in mythic should speak to you then, cuz its a joke. Aug has little to no detriment for movement and, surprise! They have a competitive number of logs.
The number of times ive had to chase people to dispel on tindral makes me wanna pull all my hair out.

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If you delete aug, pres and dev numbers go up for time spiral and evoker buff. Almost like, one spec on a class being good causes others to suffer.

I mean I feel you on the dispell part for sure, but the vast majority of your other points come down to a perception issue.

The fact that there are a ton of Aug logs is not as simple as its output, or even its kit.

Dev outperforms Aug in almost every mythic scenario, but there are still overwhelmingly more Aug parses.

It’s a loaded conversation that would turn into giant wall of texts on all sides, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that players can get away with poorer performance on Aug and many guilds that aren’t CE don’t even know how to tell how that player is doing vs other augs because it’s too easy to say “logs broken” (not as much anymore since they aren’t as janky) or “my DPS is low cause our DPS aren’t good enough to compete.”

A lot of guilds simply stick their poorest performing DPS on Aug because as long as they can follow an ERT note to use paradox/spiral/zeph, they’re still valuable.

That obviously doesn’t change that dispels aren’t fun on pres, but spec representation isn’t an issue of performance a lot of the time. Before the ret buff, they were still the second most represented spec in mythic behind BM for quite a while even though they were only beating Aug in overall DPS.

Oh, and you’re first dispel.

And they’re all in assigned location.

Don’t chase them then. You can’t heal through stupid after all.

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