Presence of the Dragon Soul begins March 18

All I wanted for the last phase of Cata was LFR. Instead I’m still doing the same dungeons since the start of Cata because my guild quit and my server is dying. LFR was my only chance to do DS. :sob:


MoP wasn’t my favorite xpac, but it was still better than Cata.

we will hopefully get lfr for p1 of mop, in a dream world we’d get flex i suppose

Yeah well sadly Blizz broke LFR trying to ‘improve’ it.

Really wish they would just leave things alone.

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Fix the bugs first!

Tired of having to rezone through portals 15 times a raid to get rid of the emerald dream of fog.

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At this rate I think Blizz will keep pushing H+ over LFR.

Because H+ is their baby, and they need to put something on their resume.

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Wow… so your telling me the thing that has happened to every WoW expansion since OG and through classic is going to happen again, even when there was no nerf to the final raid?

I can’t believe that there are less people playing at the end of an expansion then the start of an expansion. It is almost like there is this subset of players who don’t enjoy playing the game constantly and simply quit and come back for the first phase of the next expansion…no that couldn’t be it… only fresh andies do that.


Feels a bit early but Dragonsoul also isn’t gonna last for long so I’m kinda fine with it.
Prob would have been great to buff tier drops and epic gems but I guess the buff is gonna accomplish somewhat the same.

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Mop is probably the peak of how wacky class design could get. I feel like the raids were generally too long for me to look forward to those.

no dont do it please

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MoP is one of the most liked expansions, have heard a ton of people say Throne of Thunder is one of their favorite raids, the PvP is decent, but the raid content is solid as well.

that’s gonna suck for alts trying to do the legendary questline, or if someone swaps mains between tiers

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As long as I don’t see vault casino, I can tolerate it.

This is lame. I’d rather prog with the buff off.

And don’t say just disable it. We also like to compete for top 10 on server via WCL, so it kinda ruins that…

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Please don’t bring in this nerf so soon! We are still progging and really enjoying it, even though we’re only at 2/8 heroic it’s been a blast. It’s just way too fast, give us a couple more months at least at this difficulty.

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So just disable it. :+1:


You can disable it

WCL tracks logs separately with and without the buff


Way too fast, give it another 2-4 weeks before bringing this in.


Yeah blizzard listen to your players! You should wait until 2039 to even start thinking about an optional buff that you clearly said we can disable.

I want my Mists of Pandaria by year 2552, sooner than that will ruin my progression.