eh, honestly idc its fine. just wana get thru this and to mop
Brother nobody cares about your normal prog
That’s nice, but what about LFR?
Damn, way earlier than I expected. Maybe this means they hope to have prepatch out sooner rather than later…
This is great please don’t let the complainers deter you from doing this.
What’s happening is Cata is a ghost town and Blizzard knows it. This is their attempt to bring people back.
Turn the debuff off, then
Lol, this will literally kill it completely. Even parsers/try harders will quit till the full buff is here and the people progging will just stop. It’s like we did this in ICC and the game tanked completely, but hey let’s do the same
Your complaint was about being behind other guilds if you chose not to turn off the nerf its a tad late to lie about not caring what the community thinks of your guild.
We’re on our way to Retail at warp 10.
It definitely did not lol
Yeah totally not, went down to 60k raiders before Cata prepatch. Hype was completely dead. Not like we have logs or anything.
Well yeah, that goes without saying. But what really bothers me is bringing Retail to Classic. For example: adding Mythic dungeons starting with Wrath Classic. Horrible. Getting to Retail in due time is one thing, but actually changing Classic to create a retail experience is far worse.
Things are tanking way faster now compared to the end of Wrath.
Glad you agree
Again… if you have nothing to say , just don’t. We have logs. It’s ok to be wrong.
Then why are you acting like you’re right?
I think Blizzard is severely overestimating how many people want to play MoP.
The only really good thing about it was PVP, and they have neglected the PVP community to the point that side of the game is virtually non-existent.
Ok troll with worthless opinion. I got it. Thanks for clarifying what you are.
Says the guy that refuses to acknowledge that you can just turn the debuff off if you don’t want to use it