Presence of the Dragon Soul begins March 18

Blizz is, for once, actually appealing to the silent majority.

honestly, I low key hope you will accelerate DS at this point lol.

It’s wild seeing the tired, defeated arguments of 2012 still being used.

Supporters of the incremental 5% raid nerf should ask themselves why it was never used again after DS.

I would rather it just 35% next week so we can kill H DW and unsub until MoP. The next few months will be a complete waste of time


it destroys raiding by adding further gear bloat and removes incentive to find a guild to raid and grow as a player.

You’re absolutely right, and I’m glad that’s an option. I’m more so worried about guild members having split opinions on whether or not to use the nerf or not, and any issues that might bring with it.

For example, personally, I would not want to use it, and wouldn’t feel as satisfied downing the bosses if it were flicked on.

But I’m just as sure there are other raiders in my 25m raid that just want the gear and would be annoyed if we didn’t flick it on.

It also makes recruiting a bit weird. I’m assuming most recruits would be pro-nerf, and if we decide to not flick on the nerf it will make that whole process of finding new members harder.

Again, I’m not against this happening in say, a month or two. I just think it’s just way too fast is all.

The raid’s only been out 2 weeks, and our guild, who didn’t do any PTR shenanigens have progged up to 2/8 heroics and are almost ready to down YorSahj on heroic tonight.

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Actual idiocy here. My complaint was one is forced into it if you want to progress along the same pace as the player base before they stop playing due to content drought.

So yea, the nerf is optional. You kind of already made the second point. People dropping out of raid groups is not going to be lessened by harder content. The people that know they arent going to mop or get burnt out by actually progging something at going to jump ship regardless.

The OPTIONAL nerf alleviates some of that. I will never understand the “I dont like x so instead of it being optional I’m going to try to force everyone to do what i want” mentality.


Imagine putting this in before fixing ridiculous issues like the green fog.


Typically a sped up nerf release means the next bit of content is soon. Keeping people stuck beating their heads against a wall is not EVER going to keep people playing any version of classic. People drop out of classic and treat it like a single player game all the time. They drop it when a phase drags on too long, prog is too slow, they get bored, or know they arent playing the next xpac. Making it harder longer is nonsense.

The OPTIONAL nerf is up to your guild. Do what makes sense for the majority or base recruiting around how you want to play. Its not that complicated IMO. More options is better than holding people back that just want to clear and possible gear alts etc for MoP.


This I will 100% agree with!

That’s factually untrue. People drop out of content when they finish it. It’s not a I kind of already made the second point when I’m literally repeating the second point because the person, I am replying to has turned… “Gee content drought bad” into “you are just mad your guild will progress slower than others if you don’t use the buff”

My third point was the optional nerf isn’t optional unless for some reason y’all think everyone will continue to play a similar amount of time after the content is trivialized. News flash they won’t.

The only instance this makes sense is if MoP is 1-1.5 months away. Guess what it’s not.

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i would bet the number of guilds that ever turn off a buff is under 1%, i’ve never heard of it happening except for when someone was trolling the raid

this means you’ve done morchok and hagara only though right? you are realistically months and months away from 8/8, your prog would be interupted by a nerf regardless


I disagree wholeheartedly. However, I do understand that viewpoint. I happen to disagree with it as I’ve seen this occur so frequently with end of expac content and I don’t trust that MoP is truly right around the corner.

That being said, if it is right around the corner ~1-1.5mo away the nerf makes some sense. Still not happy about it being 3 literally lockouts into the phase but that’s the case. My point is why is 3 weeks when this starts. Why not week 5 with a 10% nerf.

this reset is the 4th reset, next week will be reset 5

People saying “Just turn off the buff”.
Might as well just ask the devs to put in the 30% straight up from week 1 since you could just turn it off.
Or make it 50%, might as well just make it 80% actually, make it easier than LFR, you can just turn off the buff.

What a ridiculous thing to say.


You are right, those are the two that we’ve downed.

I also agree that I don’t expect that we would have cleared 8/8 for many months regardless, or even feel like we’re ‘entitled’ to? Even getting up to 5 or 6 heroics on the original difficulty would be a great achievement.

Last tier, we were able to get 6/7 heroics quite easily as a 25 man, but we were only able to kill Rag on heroic as a 10 man, about 4/5 times, with our better raiders.

You are correct that our prog would have been interrupted by a nerf regardless. I’m all for the nerf coming in. I’m just saying that it’s a bit too fast.

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Oh that is easy. They added more difficulties and even a secret fifth difficulty that only exist for like a week before being smacked in the face with the nerf bat.

Ah, yes the “I don’t have any arguing points so I’m going to go to the extreme to make my opposition look silly” argument.


I don’t subscribe to the “just turn it off” idea at all, it’s fair too damaging to a 25 man to try to turn off a buff that half the people don’t want turned off, I don’t see a problem with incremental nerfs like this one in terms of like competing for prog (because it effects all prog the same?).

I think we can argue if its too early or not for eternity, everyone has a different pov, i’m pretty indifferent to it mostly, I think DS is much more difficult than it was given credit for and people kinda sleepwalked in there after FL and most of the community is like <4/8 pretty much, that can’t be good for the game


You can always just turn off the buff.


We will prolly end this week 5/8H.

We went in like fully blind.

Also no week 1 raid since it was an off day.