PrePatch Tuesday 29 Sep 2020

A holiday doesn’t mean much. Launch of SL is in the middle of Hallow’s End.

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sits quietly, petting the server hamsters

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Careful, you might put them to sleep. We need those for things!

“Called it” is hardly conversation. Under a rock? What are you even talking about? How does that word salad apply here? Sounds like you’re just grabbing at anything you can, parroting nonsense and desperately reaching for a way to argue.

lmao so desperate to find a way to insult me
“oh ho your guild name u r dingus” :crazy_face:


Guys/gals I really dont think theres going to be a pre patch

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Looks like they’re getting things in order. Though there’s still some quirks.

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Maintenance is only an hour on the 29th, Pre-patch is not dropping the 29th, it will be October 6th.

I wish it was Tuesday.

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The chances of a prepatch this Tuesday are now at a solid 0%.

i bet you 3 gnomes, a vulpera and twin blood elf sisters!

Notice does not always equal date. You can infer the following from what we know; they have blue posts detail things that will be leaving with SL (AOTC, PvP season wrap up, etc.), they mentioned that the PvP season will be ending but for the first time I know they said that they were going to have a post-season extension that sounds as if it will lead into the first SL PvP season. I’m not aware of them doing it this way before. They have also said that they may release the pre-patch in two waves with the level squish, customizations and corruption removal separate from the pre-patch content (also a first). Typically AOTC and the like get removed with pre-patch but the blue posts, while not saying so specifically, hint that the removal of things will happen with SL’s launch.

So, at best, you have until October 26th/27th with the expansion launch to wrap stuff up OR at worst you have until either the first or second part of the pre-patch if they decide to release it that way. I and my guild has been operating with the assumption that stuff goes away on the 6th since it appears we’ve been adequately warned but not given a firm date.

Based on when Blizzard posted the pre-patch info on September 21st, you can probably safely assume that it will be released on October 6th. They’ll probably make an announcement between Monday and Wednesday of this week.

They don’t have to announce the actual release date, but I have a feeling they will.

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I was hoping it would be this Tuesday, but wouldn’t Blizzard have already announced it?

so 6-13 days of full pre-patch since ppl keep claiming the zombie event is not started until the 2nd week ?

thats just bad since prepatches never been less than a month before and the clsoest was 28 days which is still at least 4 weeks.

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Yeah I was really wanting the prepatch to be on 29th. We must expect the unexpected and stay dilligent, whits about you. I beleive we have definitely been given adequate warning with soon* posts and what to exect in prepatch.

heres to hoping for the 6th. If not then we know there is a major issue with Blizzard and to expect expansion delays along with prepatch.

That’s gonna be a solid zero.

Gosh, I wish…

October 6, 2020 Tuesdays Maintenance is from 7 - 8 AM. If they were releasing the patch it would be longer.

October 6 has to be the day last week and this coming week is the 2 week warning maybe hear something this week about pre-patch if not then we can look foward to the 13th they may wait till there is only 3 weeks left till shadowlands comes out

Even Blizzard doesn’t know when this patch is gonna drop, much less the players…