Prepatch Pushed Back

Right prepatch is launch /rolleyes

Well wowhead also reported that there were duplicates in the Great Vault (confirmed moments later to be a bug) and reported that hair colours were removed (also a bug).

So, take this with a grain of salt.

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and you know me. We can mog anything at level 10. I was planning to unleash and army of plate wearing orcs, all mog’d in tusks and I WILL HAVE M… wait what was that?? I can’t just keep them lock in that xpac??

My world is experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by

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And the like GCD :heart:

The whole point of the PTR/Beta split was so we can experience pre-patch content while they are working on Beta. It seems they can’t even deliver on that.

What the hell is going on over there?


What none sense? Leveling in your fav expansion is an amazing feature. You can relive that expansion like how it was when it was released.


Read the post I linked. I thought this too but that is not the case right now.

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All they’re saying is you just might not reach the end.

But I was watching a video the other day and dude was talking about how he hit 50 on the last main quest of the last zone of legion.

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Kk I read it and yes you have valid points. I dearly hope it won’t go live like this :frowning: I want to relive Legion fully no matter what

It was WoD

Gol-darnit! I was really hoping that I could start leveling some characters for SL on Tuesday…

I’ve been in a holding pattern for like 2-weeks on that front.


I would honestly like to see that video. Blizzard said level was sped up 70%. However, I also want the option to use Chromie Time with xp turned off at 49 or 50.

I honestly have no need to leave another character to max. If I do I’ll hop on one of the many 120 (60) characters I have now.

The fastest was wod, the one he handed in the last quest and hit 50 on was legion


Just posted it.

As soon as i hit post i was thinking wait a sec WoD was the fastest. I figured you’d be back to correct :slight_smile:



It is as foretold


Eh, it’s good to get that vid out there anyway to dispel rumors that you hit 50 after like 2 zones.

Well that’s the final nail in anything before the 6th, rip, nothing to do for an extra week :frowning: