Prepatch Pushed Back

Starting to look like BfA is now starting to stand for

Battle for ANotherexpansion

with the event nerfed does anyone really care about the prepatch anymore?


I’m just so OVER this xpac. They need to come out with something new ASAP. People are getting bored and tired.


I care very much. I never cared about the event I only want the other changes like reworked leveling system, customizations and for corruption to be dead and buried.

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Blizzard are the masters of no communication

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The other piece of news that made me think this is true is the scheduled realm connection on the 29th. Seems highly unlikely they would do a realm connection and pre-patch on the same day.

Yes because that is exactly what people are saying…

Yes. I just want corruption gone lol

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Going from ‘release’ to ‘test’ is a step backwards.

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If this ends up being true, and part of the reason for the delay is the Khadgar realm issues and it takes longer than expected to solve them, then they may end up having to delay SL, if they don’t want to drop a pre-patch during this kind of a mess, why would they drop an expansion, best solution delay the pre-patch and expansion. They probably aren’t even close to done with realm connections and I don’t think they would want to continue them through an expansion launch either.

Accurate. That deserves its own thread honestly.

Pull the ripcord

I care about farming recolored transmog, so yes.

well…crap cant really argue against that now lol

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Regardless of when it is or is not, a little communication would be nice. Remember when they said they wanted to improve communication with players? Lol yeah, me too. Ive never seen a company be so tight lipped about everything.


check youtube it was only 4 who stil lhave missing toons currently

I’m hoping that’s sarcasm and you didn’t take madseasons joke as truth.

wowhead suggested indirectly that it was gonna be the 6th since a while.

check on what date the corruption rotation stops :wink:

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lol the chickens
accurate tho

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Well the event is only two weeks long, so they still would have a week between the 6th and launch day.