I mean… if you’d read the topic post at all, the Wraithchill problem is pretty clearly spelled out. You’re in the realm of malicious compliance right now, which absolutely makes you a troll. Either that, or you didn’t even bother reading the points OP made and are defending from a baseless position right now.
It’s also not usually the ONLY advice given when people are trying to ACTUALLY be helpful. Which, you’re not.
Also, that advice was given for a DIFFERENT problem, not the one that OP clearly stated in the topic. So the OP was totally justified in calling you out on it, imho.
It was still listed as a huge incentive for paying an extra $20 for Shadowlands, which means that it’s frustrating when it doesn’t work. Particularly when Bliz had every opportunity to make sure that it did function as intended before releasing the preorder.
Also because multiple different classes are experiencing the same bug and it’s so easy to recreate said bug. It’s not like it’s a 1 in a million player problem.
OP did:
Seems pretty straightforward to me. Did you read?
That’s not really the point? OP is pointing out that there are OTHER bugs that Bliz has let go for entire expansions. Like this one: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/hunter-dismount-pet-hp-bug/64420/3
And here’s another: Hunter Pet Health Bug
Oh hey, and another: I have reported this bug multiple times since BFA launch. Blues please read - #2 by Bonxie-dark-iron The OP even posted on this one, too.
Or are they not giving enough information for you?
Allow me to illuminate: You’re not offering anything constructive and you’re ignoring what the OP and other people have said about the bugs in question.
OP DID give specifics about the Wraithchill bug, and the HoA bug. They even checked and then admitted that the HoA bug had been fixed when someone else pointed it out:
I feel like that’s pretty good behavior for someone talking about or reporting bugs on the forum, yes?
THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I HAVE TO ENJOY THEM OR THAT THEY SHOULD BE GOING UNADDRESSED BY BLIZ. Liking their game doesn’t mean that I have to sit back passively through every problem or mistake the company makes. We are allowed to express our concerns and displeasure.
You’re trying to kill this topic, or are at least you’re derailling it from its original purpose, so you are absolutely trolling. Glancing at your forum activity, this is something that you enjoy doing on the regular, so I’m going to report you too. Eventually you’ll get enough flags that a moderater will look at you and hopefully curb your behavior. So far, you’ve offered no counters as to why you aren’t trolling except “no I’m not”.
This is always the part that bothers me the most. With so many employees, you’d think that Bliz could at least acknowledge the problem and let us know that they’re looking into it. I feel like it would go a long way to showing the players that they care and that bugs will be fixed eventually.
But, people are still buying the preorders, so I suppose it’s not a high priority for them to fix what’s broken until sales stop.