Not only was this a very dull fight, but also tuned to need some of the most degen class stacking in history. Fitting as much burst damage as you can with the boss only being vulnerable for short windows.
Wondering what you guys are feeling.
Not only was this a very dull fight, but also tuned to need some of the most degen class stacking in history. Fitting as much burst damage as you can with the boss only being vulnerable for short windows.
Wondering what you guys are feeling.
Will be trivial with all the extra staffs. In OG guilds had 3 for 25m and 1 for 10m during prog. Now they’ll have 12 / 4.
DS will need a buff
would prefer nerfed content over unnerfed content.
Dragon Soul will most likely be a joke raid, unnerfed or not
DS was a joke raid even before nerfs so it’s not going to be a big deal.
Would rather not see buffs because Cata is so bad we need to just next to MoP at this point.
MoP? Do You mean pre-Legion waiting room?
Yeah I remember doing like 6/8 heroic in pugs and I was bad
You’ve got a whole other expansion for that lol
Not sure where this comes from, but 2 weeks to kill spine, and it was KIN that got it, I’m also willing to bet that every single one of them WERE better than you are NOW, maybe you should relax on the “DS was a joke b4 nerfs” stuff, we know it’s all solved content now, but you’re being absolutely dumb with that comment.
It was an easy raid. Spine was the only wall and only because it had an insane burst dps requirement. It wasn’t hard besides that. Guilds that could class stack could do it with less gear than those that couldn’t.
Its trivial now as we’ll just throw burst casters with staffs at it.
Funny, that’s the EXACT NAME OF THE THREAD… What a coincidence, eh?
Based on? Do you even know how long it took for world 2nd?
H-Spine was not easy by any metric.
December 17th KIN downed it, and even until mid-Feb only 10 guilds in the world killed it.
What you should’ve said was
“Guilds that killed it HAD to class-stack to do so, because of it’s strict burst dps check”
The classes they stacked weren’t even all casters, it was even rogues(without daggers) and mages.
Do you think that would be the case if they released the same version in Classic? I sure don’t.
Legion is god awful
Brother nobody cares about spine anymore, Plent of PS have it on farm, the game nowadays is much different compared to years ago.
Stop posting already lol.
Maybe I didn’t play it but people rav… all but Legion Legendaries that apparently made people have to remake characters entirely.
Nah, it is the pre-waiting room, not the waiting room. WoD is the waiting room.
This entire F****** thread is about spine, to post about anything else would be off-topic…
Of course not, it’s solved content now, but it’s not the same argument as 2019 classic “RAG WAS SO HARD DERRRR”
By this point in OG cata, people were pretty good - and to say that “it’s easy” and stuff like that is just ignorant.
Imagine these same people saying pre-nerf Kiljaeden or Pre nerf C’thun is also “Easy”, those were literally mathematically impossible, but this is the mindset that the internet provides now.
I keep seeing arguments that “DS” is easy… Sure the rest of the bosses were MUCH easier than spine. Spine will be a wall for people that haven’t been doing it on private servers for the last decade, just like Heroic Rag. Think about it… How many of these guilds would’ve cleared Hrag in the first week if they didn’t have over a decade of practice + Youtube + PTR? Zero, the answer is zero.
^Also inb4 the nobody next random person says “I didn’t do any of those things and killed it the first week DERR”
It seems people have no problem talking lots of crap about how easy content is when it’s solved, ALL OVER the internet, and there were and ARE current private servers available to practice NONSTOP, it’s ignorant at the very least and idiotic at best.
I would bet money that if they put that version of C’thun in the game in 2019 it would have died in a day lol
I highly doubt most people have been playing Cata pservers for the past decade. I think just knowing exactly how all the mechanics work is the biggest thing for all these older raids. PTR obviously helps but Rag is just not that hard without the Geyser mechanic in P4. Extremely scripted fight, not a tankbuster, no particularly difficult dps check. It’s just long. My guild didn’t do Rag on PTR and we managed to get it to like 12% our first night on it.
It would 100%. Players now are generally much better compared to back in 2004-2006.
These were 2011 gamers, by this point lots of people were using auras, logs were a thing, people were heavily theorycrafting. But still, the average player is way better now.
People that don’t get retail CEs don’t how easy Heroic Rag is in comparison.
Prenerf cthun died in season of mastery without wb’s.
To be fair it didnt have the bugs that the original did.