Premades suck. Fix the game

Thank you. This is very important information. Good reporting

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Why arenā€™t you talking to your friends right now fyris

Iā€™m your friend, we should cheat and make a premade together!


There are server dying threads like here except those servers had 2-year-old communities that Blizzard watched die off to collect transfer money while TBCC has only HUGE mega servers and turns into a Retail experience. Here itā€™s like no real server community yet so itā€™s whatever.

There used to be arena and PVP threads but most of those are gone because most PVPers quit TBCC because itā€™s bad. So now there are some threads about no games. SoM right now has way more BGs running at a time than TBCC even though TBCC has a higher population.

On most of the threads, people attack others for raid parses or guild progression. I donā€™t care so I just skip the threads now. Oh also Blizzard just nerfed the T5 raids so now they are brainlessly easy. Thatā€™s the new thing.

Really sad to see the game we all grew up with in this state. Sometimes I think it would be better to have Blizzard sell it off and a smaller dedicated company put the time and effort in that it needs.

But the flip side is a company could see this only as a cash grab and P2W the entire game.

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Have you considered devoting your time to making a premade instead? I remember in the 2019 Classic there were premades running all the time. I feel like youā€™re just choosing to loose/complain.


Premade is cheating? it was in the OG vanilla. How drugged are you bro?

Just because you lose doesnā€™t mean itā€™s cheating. The idea of Classic was to give the same experience as Vanilla and thats exactly what itā€™s doingā€¦


I completely agree with you Fyris.

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Look at my previous posts. OP wants to play solo and any time someone recommends combatting premade a by making his own, OP believes premade are cheating.

OP is off his meds.


Your IQ is about 50 points lower than you think it is.

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This ā€œplaying with friendsā€ bit is a load of crap. These ā€œfriendsā€ arenā€™t friends. Theyā€™re a bunch of randomsā€¦ People donā€™t join these because they like PvP. They join to avoid it. Actual PvP would require effort and sometimes skill.

If organized PvP really was what these folks were interested in, theyā€™d be doing arenas and rated battlegrounds in retail.


Warrior Beats Rogue Beats Mage Beats Warrior.
Classic has a Trifecta with its classes that have counters to kits in PvP. Pally and Shammy are counters / negatives of eachother mechanically. One can slow you the other gives freedom for example.

The point being (Horribly) made is that premades account for this trifecta. Pugs can end up with 15 brown boys on 1 AB team. Youre right the issue isnt pugs vs premade its the matchmaking system. But the catch 22 is 1-2 hour ques for EVERYONE; or unfair pug farms

I am going to need you guys to start accepting your resurrections. Thank you!

The group I play with are friends I have known for years.

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Some might be. I doubt itā€™s a full 40 of close-knit people. Most discords end up getting published somewhere, and filled with randoms.

We can field a 40 man team no problem and not rely on random pugs. Most of us have been together for years.

Name checks out.

Youā€™re the reason why world of warcraft is going to die dude. Nobody wants to have to organize a team of 15 people every time they want to do one BG. Nobody has to do this in league of legends. You just log on and play. Thatā€™s why this game is dying, and LoL has been beating it by 100k views on twitch for the last 7 years. Also, Iā€™m a fresh 60 wearing level 30 greens. Why would I join someones premade. And then when I get geared, also, why would I join a premade. Iā€™m doing BGS because Iā€™m in greens, trying to get some of the blues from WSG/AB rep.

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Dudeā€¦ Why are you not running dungeons for better gear?


I think Iā€™m beginning to see the problem.

Iā€™m bad at WoW and even I wouldnā€™t take you in my premade.