oof, just experienced this myself. I did not want to believe it, but we got our asses handed to, never seen such team work in epic bgs before. People in chat where confirming that it was a premade. Lost 6 in a row 5 i think were premade, no conquest, makes me sad and rage quit.
just leave if you do not like premade. it does make people mad. i took my anger forfeiting the game not to play with cheaters and avoid eye contact to same team server guild that is unfair.
Helping search and do the Felcycle secret quest line has been far more fun than PvP.
Playing against queue syncing Premades is never fun.
I don’t need to partner with Que synchers. They should all be banned for cheating. I won’t budge on that mindset
All good and respect your decision
The Supatease youtube mentioned by Lilbeadie earlier is quite interesting and Blizz may bring some changes to PvP as well? Fingers crossed.
If the big wig PvPers openly talk about it then it must be a problem, and a higher chance of it reaching the ears of Blizz.
I would not care at all except this stuff runs off the player base every season, and we all suffer because of it. No one likes being power farmed pug vs premade, early in the season people were saying they went on 10+ game losing streaks, even more. If players believe the game is rigged against them they quit.
I’m all for change and I respect your wanting peace for all….but what the Que synch cheaters are doing to epic bgs is wrong. And there is no gray area.
While our methods might be a little different but I definitely agree with this and I hope Blizz would fix this soon.
Btw I like how you used the term ‘Que sync’ to be specific - I really hate having to start a Pugs match with only half of the team filled.
got a link?
They want you to post a link so they can report you, its bait… They know how to use youtube and check latest videos.
you don’t want to post a link because said video doesn’t exist, and you want us to all go spend hours watching supatease content looking for a red herring because you are a paid shill and are working to drive views to his channel.
It does…
But some of the things he says shows that he’s fallen for the same sort of biases that a lot of forum posters have…
For instance, starting around 3:55 into the video:
one of the biggest tells that a player is doing this is that when the Q pop shows up on the screen they don’t accept it unless they both get it so they’re going to be declining a lot of these and you might have experienced this where it’s like a queue pops up and you wait it says five out of six players or 15 out of 16 players or whatever it is um and then it goes away because one of the players didn’t accept and it pops up again and then it goes away and then it pops up again and then it goes away and I feel like if you see this happening more than like maybe once that it’s probably very you know suspicious behavior
Where it’s more likely that when the queue pops quickly, all 4 healers have accepted and there is a DPS who is afk, so it’s cycling through the available DPS, but because they have 20 minute queues, it’s getting lots of AFK players before it reaches people who are actually waiting.
He goes on to say this:
I’ve missed queues I’ve gone up to the bathroom when I’m streaming and I missed the que it pop and it disappeared but that’s the difference between between like missing it once every two hours versus like missing it 20 times in a row that is an obvious tell that that player is doing something very suspicious you don’t just miss 20 queues in a row right you don’t just you’re not standing up to the bathroom 20 times um in that small of a time period
But the queue isn’t popping for the same player over and over, it’s picking up the next player in the queue.
And then, he mentions Epics:
I think it also affects epic Battlegrounds from what I’ve seen from players on uh Forum post as well
He’s connecting what happens with Epics to rated, where in rated, it’s way more likely to be win trading right up at the top of the ladder, the weird connection they make with the queue pop window means nothing except as a scapegoat for them to blame syncing.
Here it is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iimYAxBaqcA
Didnt know pasting links is reportable? Ops… been pasting a few in the past without knowing
There is no defending this. And all the Que synch cheaters do is flag posts en mass to have them removed. But I’m here to stay and I have all the time in the world to point out cheating when I see it.
Posting YouTube links is fine, posting links to boost sites and sites which explain how to cheat, isn’t.
Except that you’re pointing to someone using chat and calling them cheaters.
So your additions to the conversation are near worthless.
seems like it, most of what he is saying is correct but not all, there is no ladder to manipulate in epics.
i’ve been seeing that on the forums lately too, people are just assuming its the same and trying to lump it all together to make it seem like a bigger problem than it is.
…manipulate the epic ladder lol
The bloodstone sells, faster honors now means faster gold, someone will exploit it idc what all you defenders say, you know it is true.
its not fast enough gold to outpace buying a token.
there are “workshops” that will do anything in this game to make gold, it is literally their day job.
there are certainly people who figure out how to make a living playing wow, but they don’t do it premading epics.