Premades still ruining epic battlegrounds

What, are they grinding for honor? It just ruins the experience of the opposing PUG group. A guess that’s the point. No honor. I don’t respect anybody who does premades. So lame. Of course Blizz/Microsoft don’t care. They’re just doing their $90 cashgrabs for portable auction houses/mailboxes. Sad. Plus trade chat is dead b/c of the censorship and reporting.


Its not just epics, its regulars too.

Random enemy teams running around with more coordination than an NFL team.

Gotta stick with blitz to even have a fair shot anymore.


Prior to the expac the unrated random blitz was some of the best pvp in years!


Lost 7 in a row, and they weren’t even close. Just getting rolled over and over and over. Pushed back to the spawn, then camped. Dude, I enjoy this game still, but if you’re new… Who would play this?


Nice name. Very good bottle. :wink:

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I agree, premades ruin battlegrounds and create such an imbalance. pvp been needing a fix for a long time.


If they are farming honor in mass and selling those red pvp gems in mass, a gold farmers dream, to convert into other things like game currency to scalp on websites.

Shhhhh. PvP players needed a good gold farm.


Not just opposing team but their own side too! I’m more annoyed by the fact they dropped queue pops to get more teams into the same game. Yesterday we had a WG offence that started with only 20 (vs enemy of 40) again, the team only slowly get filled up 10 mins afterward but its too late. For the remaining time, that WG became a blackhole pulling in unfortunate players into a time wasting season.

We all know Blizz most likely can’t do anything to help (Blizz their most recent effort and its still open for exploit). I said this before, that the only viable option I can see is for pugs players (who truely want a change) to unite, instead of joining existing premades, but to form a new one.


Starting to see more and more where they do some type of weird lag abuse for the first teamfight as well. It completely lags out our team but somehow, they can kill us just fine.


That’s called Blizzard’s potato servers. That isn’t lag hacking or whatever convenient conspiracy people like to drum up.

Anyone here follow former wow Dev Grumms? Alarming things going on up there at the big office.

Just joined the wildest Premade Epic BG, it was that big one with the oil refinery, docks, airship n crap lol.

You are not in a raid group or party so no chat or anything, cant even see your team locations. The horde just goof off while the Alliance cap it, BOTH sides were a premade, WIN trading lol. The Exploiters truly have this down to a science…

Look up at the rich Blizzard mansion on the hill, the lights are on but no one is home lol.

I have not been following any WoW news but curious what this is about. If you could share some info about this that would be great :slight_smile:


Smash JT gaming news on youtube, and others talking recently about it.

Please don’t take Beadie posts seriously.

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Vicious Bloodstones?

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I’m joining the PvP scene VERY late, but these new rating changes are horrible. I joined some SS and BGB and my starting MMR is 1800? This feels bad. I get that we are late in the season and I was going to be behind no matter what, but 1800 feels like a feeding frenzy and I’m the bait.

Hey sthis, been a while, how are ya?

Lose a couple games, that mmr will fix right up :slight_smile:

Great! Happy to be back.

That’s what I’m currently doing. Put me back in the ~1600 where I belong.