Premades should play, exclusively, against premades

I’m not saying you shouldn’t use it. I’m simply saying it’s not a level playing field. A premade of unskilled players will beat a pug of skilled players. The ability to coordinate before and during the battle makes that big of a difference.


I disagree. The skilled players will be able to figure out text communication.

Unskilled players can talk on commas all they want but they are not going to be able to focus healers, or perform a technical flag pass correctly, or to swap from offense to defense or how to attack a stalemate situation. The fact that they have comma doesn’t change their skill level.

On the other hand, a PuG team with two extremely skilled players will still be able to compete with that bad premade.

There’s very little coordination prior to the battle outside of who is your FC and setting up D and O teams… the majority of the strategy is in real time response to how the other team is playing . Bad players won’t be able to adjust on the fly

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play retail bgs they are 100% better.

na just play retail wow the bgs are good and more relaxing then classic wow.

Yes. It definitely IS flawed game design.

Premades play against premades. Pugs play against pugs.

This doesn’t seem that complicated.

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I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

What reasons would you have for not adding a solo queue to WSG? I find WSG to be absolutely brilliant (some of the most fun I have in gaming period) when it is premade vs premade or pug vs pug. Premade vs PUG is just awful on either side of the coin in my experience.

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yeah because gnome mages aren’t better right? I’d change WotF for escape artist if I didn’t have to look like a gnome

not to mention the increased int and small size harder to target.

I never said that. On the contrary, I don’t think they should have changed AV and I’ve spoken out against it.

I know us Tauren all sort of look alike, but let’s not put words in my mouth.

Maybe I don’t want to premade with a full team. Maybe I only have 3 friends to play with. Am I not allowed to play with my friends because we aren’t all solo and we aren’t a full premade?

Maybe I enjoy a challenge as a solo player and like to see how many kills I can get against an organized team.

Your premade vs premade doesn’t change the fact that there are different skill levels out there. Different types of premades. Some try hard with sappers and faps and lips. Some are more casual and just playing with guildmates. Should these casual guild premades be automatically matched up with warlord rankers?

There are plenty of situations where it would be detrimental to other players’ style to remove that option from the game.

Your reason for only having premade vs premade is…its difficult to compete…sorry life is difficult sometimes

Literally none of those things are impacted by adding a solo queue. You could still queue in the group queue with any number of players, any time you want.

You all look medium rare to me.


Are you ok with no honor given in solo queue then?

Why would you do that?

You aren’t pugging your way to rank 14. Too bad so sad

Playing against premades wasn’t the problem. Form your own and git gud.

If your frustrations lay with AV, queue for WSG.

No, they simply shouldn’t exist. Just because players could game the system for a while does not imply it was intended.

Intentions are irrelevant. What is relevant is what became the vanilla experience. Pre-mades were part of that. Pre-mades fighting pugs were part of that. Vanilla was never designed to have pre-mades exclusively face other pre-mades. Consider it a “rough edge” of vanilla if you will, but asking to change it is just a straight up betrayal to what vanilla was.

I’d love to see the two top premades battle it out for an hour in a razor-thin match.

While they do that, I don’t want them passed by 300 pugs who just dinked around in solo matches that were over in 10 min.

So if there’s going to be a “casual” bracket, it would need to have far lower rewards than the “serious” bracket.

That gets complicated fast… i.e., retail.

People pugging wouldn’t pass the people in premades (maybe the really bad people in premmades but that is actually a good thing IMO). The premade groups are on 6+ hours every day, people with families/jobs/etc can’t keep up with that no matter what they do.

Take two tryhards.

One gets in his premade, works out the most awesome strategies ever, farms consumables, etc.

That guy may be personally annoying, but that’s the guy I want getting top rank.
Because he’s forced to play only other premades, he has maybe a 75% win rate in games that last 20+ minutes.

Meanwhile, tryhard B is terrible at pvp, and just dinks around all day in the solo bracket. He has a 60% win rate in games that last 15 minutes.

I don’t want B competitive with A.

TL;DR if you don’t want to play against someone, you shouldn’t expect to be competing for the same rewards they are.