Premades, Should not be in Randoms

40s is full of really degenrate things. 10-15s is much better lol. i dont think anyone who does 2-5 groups in 10s supports or approves of 6+ 40man premades

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Nor do I want to delve into the dark sides of World of Warcraft.

As if this is what it takes to make the advantage unfair and what people are talking about…

Simply being able to instantly say “kill the shaman” or similar via voice to 4 other people who can immediately shift their fire (and are likely to listen, not like randoms who don’t know each other in text chat) is a massive difference/advantage.

Same deal with having a guaranteed pocket healer follow you everywhere even if it’s just you and 1 or 2 other people queuing together, guaranteeing you never have to fight someone 1v1 in a BG & always have an advantage there too (or if you’re getting owned 1v1, just run away to your pal to save you)

You’d have to be borderline mentally disabled not to have seen the difference this makes (and to notice when it’s happening) if you’ve played BGs in this game for long enough


Yeah, you’re probably right. 10 people from some low pop server I’ve never heard of probably just randomly got put in the same game together.



And practically every game during the evening in Oceanic region, Frostmourne Alliance simply don’t queue unless they have a premade

To the point you’re far more likely to face a premade vs not, it literally happens 5+ games in a row

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This is one of the smaller threads on EU. Worth reading.
Bigger pond? Yes. Larger sample size? Yes.
Will this happen here?

Once i joined at a random 40 only to realise it was a premade Epic bg.
They kept ganking the cemitery for soo damn long, letting horde get oil and quarry so horde gain reinforcements and be ganked for more and more time. Me and plus other 4 guys had to break the degeneracy in this IOC by our own and do our best to kill the horde leader… with them trolling it to reset.

i think it was a RUIN raid or something.
Big difference though, they literally have to exploit the queue system using discord and queueing separetly so they can… troll, lol. Super Yikes imo.

You claim my braincells are dying while having a meltdown because some people just play together talking about their girlfriends and jobs but play the game long enough to know you have to either cc or kill the healer with no defensive cds up in a random setup of literally no concrete importance inside the game let alone the course of your life.

Ironic lol.

No wonder nobody wanna play with you.

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except anyone who is remotely competent at pvp will do this naturally without being in a group. it just so happens that a lot of bgers have no awareness so they get awed by anyone who does basic things lol

a lot of premades are not good and wont even make those calls, it’s just friends wanting to do bgs together

like the other day, i was queueing with my partner and we got into a 4 man from the same guild. they lost because they were just 4 normal folks not doing anything special

(queueing arenas so im slow at typing, typing between starting rooms)


These are both very self explanatory on what is happening now.
Feel free to argue against these facts, written in Blue.
Running laps around the truth doesn’t change the facts.

5 people is a far cry from 10, especially when you take into consideration that there’s only 1 viable FC, and I don’t care enough about RBGs anymore to sit 30 minutes for one to form. If they made 6v6 RBGs most people probably would just do that instead of random BGs.

I’ve got tons of people on btag who like to chill and do BGs in down time. No one cares about winning or losing, we’re just trying to team fight 90% of the time, and talking about whatever in Discord. I’ve never been in a random BG group where everyone was gung ho to try hard–just friends screwing around.

It’s not a malicious act. Lol

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i wrote a thesis explaining this, dont bother :joy:


Imagine the day they discover most of these “premades” are people noticing friends or guilds queueing by the fast queue from the social tab for randoms and just ask to join the group and proceed to talk whatever @ the discord room lol.


Just because you are a bad premade doesn’t mean the majority of others are sweetie


oh my rotten winter toddler, considering the things you call a premade i bet you believe you got owned by a 1 guy premade too.


Let’s be real, you say you like to see other premades in BGs but that is likely a lie. Nerds like you want to win which is why you join coordinated groups to go against randoms. You mentioned to someone that it is good Blizzard doesn’t take their advice on queues but if you have been around long enough they have listened to people on queues as the blatant proof is in solo queue, their attempts to limit groups to five people and the push to limit addons that increased the group size. But yeah just ignore the facts.


good, we don’t like 6+ people groups either. anything more than 5 should be banned

Some Olympic-level stretching to make out like a group of 6 people is so much different than 5 :sweat_smile:

you guys are a joke


Five is still too much. Two healers and three dps mopping up individual players is easy. Pick a kill target and destroy them and no one can’t touch you. Know how I know this? I’ve been part of those groups and it lost its fun quickly. I’m a person that when my team is camping the GY I attempt to get them to stop because it simply loses its fun destroying people because the challenge isn’t there. The problem is that too many people love making people rage, they think it is funny. If you like five man groups you do because you don’t like a challenge plain and simple. I know this from experience.


what about 5 dps? or 1 healer 4 dps? what about 2 undergeared fresh 70s with no crafted gear, a healer who’s new to the spec?

because people playing with friends are playing everything, it’s paranoia to think we only play 5 417 ilvl meta specs with 2 healers and 3 dhs lol

most of my friends are healer mains so when we play it’s usually them on dps specs they’re unfamiliar with since otherwise we’d be queueing like 4 healers :joy:


Would that give some kind of advantage?

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