You clearly don’t read much if that’s what you understood from my comment
Edit: also…i don’t pvp much?
You clearly don’t read much if that’s what you understood from my comment
Edit: also…i don’t pvp much?
I’m pretty much a solo player and agree with this. If your getting the gang together, go fight another gang.
I don’t think many groups of 5 care about their group composition in random battlegrounds. You’ll also seldom find a premade of like five pumpers. It does happen, but it’s usually an exception.
The random BG experience is miserable when teams are unfairly matched, but that’s how it goes.
Like Kennie said, if you queue as a premade, you’ll face another premade. But it won’t mean that they’ll be as good. The solution would be to implement some MMR for random battlegrounds, but it would make the queues much longer and the games potentially less enjoyable.
Yeah thumbs down for lower queue times.
It is bad though when you are teamed with one of those premades that performs poorly.
Chat is normally entertaining though lol, but then again, I’m not queuing to watch a bunch of degenerates exchange middle school jabs.
Take your entertainment where you can get it at that point lol.
and i say this as someone who primarily only plays as a duo with a friends list of people i care a lot about who all work different hours and are never on at the same time
high mmr rbgs are the opposite of fun due to how toxic and disgusting people get when rating is on the line and not even remotely the same dynamic as no-stress random bgs. very silly to tell people to go play rated. go join 2100+ rbg lfg groups and tell me how fun it is to be with randoms literally spazzing out as if their existence is ruined if they lose a base. people are awful and stuck up about following rbg guidelines of only sitting specific classes, so my partner who mains a rogue can’t do rbgs with me if it’s lfg due to always being told to base sit, but he gets to play the game in randoms. in rbgs i have to go babysit the tank at BS, in randoms i can go solo farm and have fun doing it. two completely different games
Oh, I was referring to group comp in relation to the BG match itself: For example, if you have a stealther, odds are either they’re gonna try to ninja cap or they’re gonna base sit cause no one else in the BG is likely to do either.
If a premade of 5 is gonna go that extra mile of making sure their group has an FC, a healer, people to peel for said heals, stuff like that, then they really oughta just go play RBGs.
If all you got out of what I said to you is that you should go play RBGs, then you might have a problem since I didn’t mention RBGs at all in my response to you.
Also, why in the world would you ever join a 2100+ RBG LFG group or any RBG LFG group for that matter and not assume it’s gonna be stressful?
You’re not only playing with completely random people but you’d be, in theory, there in that group for the same reason each and every one person in that LFG group is there: to push rating, that tends to be pretty stressful.
Another thing, if your partner who mains a Rogue is unhappy with base sitting, then don’t base sit? Rogues are great at ninja capping/murdering people, if the groups y’all join are telling the Rogue to base sit then maybe you’re joining the wrong groups? Crazy concept, I know.
Typical premader drivel as always… please explain to me more how you need your 5 man back up squad for unrated BGs Bob.
Christ. I actually think of you as that dude from South Park wow episode…
It is valid to state that people should have a right to group with friends, that’s not an issue, but consider what would happen to mixed BGs if a solo only option were provided. People grouping for power is an expected consequence of allowing friends to group but I’d think they could make some changes to improve match making such as only allowing 5 mans to launch against other 5 man or maybe a 4+2. Something like that. It’d also break up people trying to get more groups into a single BG but might be too limited in the pool and require something like cross faction groups or risk long queues.
I find it pathetic that people can’t make friends to play games with so they have to ruin it for everyone else. Go play a solo player game.
You’re wrong bud. but w/e
Countdown Queues give a major advantage, which is unfair vs pugs.
No working mind can argue this one.
Its a wierd take to determine a small group of friends shouldnt play with each other in a random of 10 to 15 or even 40 people. Would make sense to not allow 2 to 5 man premades in a 5vs5 but 10v10, 15v15, 40v40? nah.
50% of the teams with a major advantage due to comp/gear/com choices sounds fair?
Why don’t they let you queue randoms with a full team then of 10/15+ then, why only 5?
All I do is play Bg’s. About 97% of the time, I que solo. Maybe 2% of the time when my daughter comes over, we que together. The other 1% of the time, maybe two of my guildies que with me. Solo queuing only would eliminate. I do agree that total premade’s do not belong in randoms.
I also solo but sometimes i help a friend gearing or just people trying to get achievments.
I just dont see a point in caring about randoms win or loss at all, i get the reward i need regardless.
That’s alright, I’ll also assume you’re the guy from the south park episode but with even less friends
I’ll be your friend if you need though little buddy. Play date at laser tag?
True, there should be a limit of 2 or 3 ppl max.
There’s nothing worse than getting GY farmed for 2 hours in isle, or zoning into an ebg where there’s only 9-14 other people versus 40. It’s an extreme advantage and requires circumventing a system that deters/prevents it.