I think they pay more attention to the comments made in the text field they provide you when someone cancels their account.
And, while they may not care much about pvp. If a lot of pvpers are stating the same reason as to why they quit then something could change. Like gearing in Shadowlands, for example.
That said, I have no idea how many have quit because of premades or bothered stating that as the reason and I see the entire thing as being entirely moot since solo/duo queue BGs exist.
You should consider joining some of the Horde comms im in like Horde BGs and True Blood
Not because everyone is a Gladiator, some people aren’t that good. Simply playing with geared players usually makes a match competitive, but the point isn’t to stomp your BGs. It’s that having a community of friends is one of the best parts of WoW.
Yep. Used to run RBGs back in the day. Gave up after the rampant cheating in MoP.
Not at all, though I do wish they made the groups a bit more even. Matches are way more fun when they aren’t lopsided.
Yea, I can do that as well, but not against a premade.
For sure. I do these games really casually while waiting on RSS queues or just while killing some time. Just seems to happen a lot these days where one team is getting completely dominated by another, even outside of premade involvement.
To that, I don’t like stomping bgs either. While I want todo good personally, farming a gy gets boring. =/
I’ve seen several people say they should just limit how many people can queue together, but the reality is it’s all circumvent-able. We did it back in Vanilla - WotLK, and sporadically each expansion since - including 40man BGs. If you have more then one group, the team leaders just coordinated when you press the queue button, and then everyone notifies when the queue pops. Then, only accept if everyone got it.
This would mean, even 3 groups of 2 players (if limited to 2), can still easily get into the same BG together. Admittedly, back in the day, it wasn’t 100% of the time, but it overwhelmingly often worked.
Well, there just wasn’t much reason to try and push for titles when everyone got them for free when wintrading matches was easy. There was a three week span in MoP where 1,000’s of players got their 2400 achieve doing nothing.
I tried to do some RBGs later on and just kept facing bots at 2200-2300. Was boring. Teams with 2-3 affliction locks using rotation bots got old. That and the excessive use of known exploits. Running into Bailamos doing carries while they used every known exploit was common place. He later argued with me that the exploits were within the rules and they weren’t cheating.
The RBG community has been in shambles since the end of Cata, in my opinion. Everything you mentioned is true, and it’s so unfortunate considering it was the most interesting time I had ever PvP’d since the original ranking system in Vanilla in WoW.
Arena was never fun to me. So many classes and spec’s just left to die by the Dev’s which only forced you into a pigeon-hole. That’s poor design in my mind, and not engaging.
Hugh, appolo, deso, me, you, bob does his own thing sometimes, MG baddies, elite horde is qing more, old gods. Even BSG has been getting into randoms with their best players.
Loving the competition
Should also be noted that “real games” where both teams have a super solid premade are the most fun for everyone.
Huge teamfights mid with a stall, that come down to who had better pugs. That’s what you want as a pug right? Be the person to make the difference?
Solo/duo queue BGs give you a lot of opportunity for “making a difference” one way or the other. There are mismatches, but it is not as common as random BGs. Not sure why you just don’t do those instead.
Yes, if you get high in rating the queue times can get bad but below that the queue time are similar to what you have queuing as alliance. Get a healer friend and the queue times will drop significantly.
The most friendly mode in the game for solo/duo players of any skill level and for casual or new players is Blitz.
I’m surprised by this. I find if I play my healer(s), those are the most interesting games in a PUG. I find I can effect the outcome the most considering the power of a healer vs a dps.
I will concede you are totally at the whim of what the majority are doing, and if that happens to not be the objective, it can be frustrating, but if you win the group battle, I find mentioning completing the objective at that point tends to get people moving in that direction.
I used to solo Q all the time, then I realized if I follow around the warrior doubling everyones damage that also intervenes me on cooldown I have a lot more fun
I keep him alive, I win
I let him die, I lose
I solo q’d all of s1 shadowlands, and then started trying to find DPS to heal. Met Joker/bob and i’ve been playing with them ever since
Yea, cata was a ton of fun for RBGs and it was honestly one of the few things fun in the game. PvE was a mess by the end. Arena was totally dominated by PvE and RLS. While RBGs did have a lot of PvE in them, it somewhat evened out and you didn’t have to clear DS for most of the good trinkets.
MoP started out fun, but fell off quickly. It took them months to fix a known exploit. I think it was that very first Christmas in MoP where everything started to fall a part. From Basically Dec 25th to Jan 15th roughly, every other match was someone cheating. After that, making groups got super difficult. You had to inspect every single player and lots of ‘honest’ players got mixed up in the wintrading. So everyone got free rating.
Even after that was fixed though, cheating was still rampant. People found that you could stack the worgen mounted speed with tiger’s lust for fast capping. That went on for awhile. Then it was AOE gripping people into rocks or the chimney on Gileneas… Or using the goblin rocket racial to jump on stuff and be los. Then there was stealth capping. Hiding the flags in the walls. bla bla bla… The cheating was insane. So I stopped, tried it again an expansion later and found the cheating was still going on.