Premades should be fixed

What does the age of it have to do with anything?

The official policy clearly hasn’t changed.

Why is the reduction in multiboxers relevant at all to whether you’re allowed to do it or not?

All of those shady websites boast of their Rank 1 player staff… Blizzard has Devs that are Rank 1 pvpers, hmmmm, I dono, coincidence???

I have been dealing w some of these shady actors on the forums for a long time now.

Players ask why? Because its Millions of dollars up for grabs… They have been selling the glad mounts for cash for decades now, hundreds every season. But now because of the 1600 token that you can buy raid gear with they are emboldened, and have literally monetized all rated pvp rewards. Thats why even the lowest ratings are teams of Multi glads in Premade power farming the player base.

These forum actors are employees of the 3rd party websites, its in their best interest to silence YOU the player for being a threat to their income. Their goal is to belittle you, to derail the conversation off topic. Keep fighting the good fight!

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Times and rules change with the community. In the last year or two have we not had to agree to a new social contract when entering for the first time? That old rule CAN be changed if there is a reason for it. People are arguing for a rule change not against its existence.

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No, people are arguing that it is currently against the rules.

They are more worried about bad words, then they are shady 3rd party actors monetizing and flooding pvp with RMT ruining the game for many players.

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Not everyone, myself for one. Rather than picking this one sentence try to refute the rest of my comment

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What’s to refute?

I agree that rules can be changed.

Especially after 17 years. So much has changed in the game that it needs to match the current PvP climate. Where new players/PvPer’s leave pvp/the game after getting stomped a few times in a row by epic premades while trying to learn and get gear. Even experienced players that queue solo or with only 1-2 friends are getting tired of it.

I understand you wanting to play as a group with friends and I would argue to make it easier for you. Let premade’s queue as a raid but have them only ever play against other raids. That way you can can continue to play with friends without having a negative impact on the rest of the community.

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I think Charming would trash you in any sort of competition tbh lol


No that isn’t what it is saying. It’s saying that people queuing up at the same time via countdown queuing isn’t against the rules. This is how premades queue.

You and Thaedreu have severe reading comprehension issues.

I’d work on that before wading into these topics.

Rules from 2007 that need to be updated. Refer to previous post.

There’s a blue post stating the same thing from 2019. Post doesn’t need updating.

IMO, Blizzard put too much trust in players, hoping they’d do the right thing.

Blizzard explained they don’t want premade raids in random bgs because they’re unfair and they drive other players away from PvP:

Blizzard stated that nobody had been punished and they’re just making their stance clear so there’s no room for misunderstanding:

Unfortunately, even after that lengthy explanation, the premade raid problem was not resolved. Premade raiders continued to circumvent in-game restrictions so they could roflstomp the other team in random bgs. They didn’t care about the spirit of fair play or the fact that they’re driving players away from PvP. They ignored Blizzard’s expressed wishes that premade raids compete in brackets meant for premade raids.

Blizzard put too much trust in players, hoping they’d do the right thing.

Dear Blizzard,

Now that you know appeals to sportsmanship, fair play, and consideration for other PvPers fall on deaf ears, you should think about creating stronger countermeasures against premade raids in random bgs, such as enabling mixed-faction teams, adding a hidden MMR, and adding an account-wide, stacking deserter debuff when people miss/drop their queue pops.


That is not official policy HAHAHAHAAHAHA it’s not even a blizzard, it’s a forums staff post on the forums. This is pure delusion.

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I don’t really understand how this would bother players playing rated content. I’ve heard rumors of queue coordination for solo blitz, and I’ve had plenty of afk folks in solo blitz, but I don’t really care about premades for random unrated. As a horde player, unrated random bg’s is already hell, so having to farm honor for gem sockets anywhere outside of rated or the quest turn ins is pretty unfun. That’s just my opinion.

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That’s why we want it fixed. Randoms is intended for casual relaxing pvp. Not for a bunch of bottom feeders that can’t cut it anywhere else to exploit and steamroll people.

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Except most of the people who premade, and/or lead premades are higher rated than the people crying about them so again you keep making excuses for losing in PvP.

relaxing and pvp together is like lamb and tuna fish lol

I wanna thank you and others posting about this on the forums… I dono how many times over the last ten years I got a dreaded email from Blizzard and a mandatory forums vacation just for talking about this stuff.

I dono how I have made it this far, every day when I wake up I check ma email lol.

Forums are full of 3rd party website employees, who mass flag and get conversations like these taken down… Blizzard its easier to silence descent than it is to actually address problems.

The shady actors will say get gud, L2play, its a YOU problem, while at the same time look at the group finder advertisements, do a google search and the amount of websites that pop up is staggering… All that would not exist if they was not raking in the cash, this harms the game for everyone.

I dont care how “skilled” a player is, when its 8 random players vs a Pre Made Multiglad ground in discord power faming you you will not win. Alt warlock I am literally past 10 straight losses, the games are not even close, its fast power farming you 0-3, fast because they are in a rush filling customer orders.