Premades should be fixed

Well, that’s just straight up untrue hahahaha

Not at all. Are people not allowed to have fun in pvp?

Premades can already face other premades via wargames or rated battlegrounds so why don’t they go do that now?

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…so why are you entitled to a captive audience and easy wins, exactly?

I mean, yes, the obvious problem with premade groups is that anyone not in one is favorably selected to repeatedly get games that they’re losing in because people see the premade and automatically dodge because they want reasonable odds of winning instead of having their time wasted.

So in a sense people are opposed to premades fighting pugs because they want to not lose. But it’s not the argument you think it is. People want premades to go away because of the negative effects premades have on general PVP. Kind of like how I don’t want to queue into a WG game that’s assault because trying to get pugs to listen and actually win is pushing a boulder up a hill.

No, only the premades.

Do we have to say the quiet part out loud?


Except it isn’t premades driving people away. It’s general poor play. Premades are a convenient excuse for not putting forth any effort in games.

The same things that many on here claim only happen in premade v pug games happen in pug v pug games just as often.

There will always be a better team.

It is true that a pug vs pug match can certainly feel unfair, but a premade vs pug match makes it guaranteed, rather than random chance. THAT is the part that is unfair.


The universal truth is that if you solo queue you want to face other solo queue players. Not duos, not 5 mans not 10 mans not 40 man premades…

Blizzard has seem to poison blitz bgs with a “duo” feature which is causing nothing but issues than anything else.

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Yes it is. It’s not the only thing obviously but it’s defiantly not helping.

Sync exploiting is poor play.

Because sync abusers are so common people assume that’s what it is, because most of the time they are right.

Not true whatsoever.

Absolute true. If you want to face premades by all means. But there’s absolute nothing that you will write that will convince me of anything that says otherwise.

Premades should go vs premades. I would much rather take 5-10 more mins but I know my experience would be 100% solo. They didnt put any sort of option for it yet…

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Premade raids unfairly stack their team to increase the odds that the two teams in the random bg will be significantly imbalanced, in their favor of course.

If the premade raid also sends in a scout to see who is on the other team (to avoid other premade raids), they’re pretty much guaranteed to win.


bad reasoning. Most of the time it’s premades/synchs that are causing the imbalance. They’re driving people away and the only thing people complain about. For years and years now but Blizz doesn’t care. They cater to bully nerds.


No they aren’t lol.

Just screaming “nuh uh” all the time really isn’t helpful to anyone.

I wander how many players have Bricked their MMR this season, no point for them to even log into the game.

This is Horde premades all day. They live in cowardice.


It’s both sides. If you need to exploit to win, you’re a coward.

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