Premades should be fixed

That’s cool for you.

As I said I would just like them to face each other and not end up with premades facing pugs.

Me to, and the groups should be facing other groups. Its an MMO afterall :wink:


They do. Generally. But the system will sometimes put a group into pug games to speed up the queue.

Queue up solo and you’ll see less groups on the enemy team.

But if you want the option to elect to only face pugs, you’ll have 40 minute queues.

I’m aware they try to but its not a good system from what I’ve seen.

I do all the time and consistently see premades. Not always but a lot of the time.

Would be an interesting experiment if blizz introduced it, even as a brawl.

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Back in DF I saw premades almost every time on one of the teams. Sometimes both, which were at least more competitive matches, but usually only on one team.

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Then make the case better than you have so far.

Blizzard doesn’t do experiments on a whim.

You have to make it worth their while.

It’s sort of interesting that from what I understand, the xp-off ‘twink’ groups don’t get queues so in reality the premade and such community is the one that would have really long queues, if they ever popped not the other way around.

Maybe queuing solo will get placed into a premade match more easily because one is a convenient unit to fill gaps? I often duo queue with a friend or two, and our rate is currently at 5% meeting a premade.

I wouldn’t mind long waiting for a Pug-only game. As long as it is clearly stated, then it would be easy to work with.

pve’rs detected


I mean a prepared Bg vs an unprepared Bg really isn’t fair. Hence why 99.9% of the time premade’s win. It’s an unfair advantage plain and simple. And shouldn’t be implemented. Fair is fair.


i tried to grind some honor in the lvl 70-79 bracket, its a sad sad joke, so many premades full of players abusing lvl synch

Yeah I remember when the Xp off twinks got seperate queues. Some people were happy for it because they could face other twinks exclusively and show off their skills and abilities.

The bracket quickly died however when people realised they couldnt go around and stomp on levellers anymore so it was no longer fun for them (lol)


They need to just provide an opt out button for premade queues… I’ll wait for a truly random queue and just gather or fish or something… waiting is better than getting face rolled by a team on comms shot calling.

I would gladly take a single even match with a chance at a win over three against a premade with next to zero chance to win…


Hitav obviously runs is premade and isn’t being honest. Premades ruin the game and for some reason Blizz doesn’t care. People who run premades have serious issues. It’s not competitive or fun it’s just bullying behavior. Blizz is a corporations and corporation just want to make their investors happy. It’s not about the consumer. It’s telling that Hirav can’t argue his case straight up and has to derail the thread.

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I am totally open about playing with premades.

Full on Epic Battleground sync communities too.


Please point out where he denied saying he runs in premades. I’ll wait

Then why are you still playing? Premades have been a thing since the start so you’ve been playing a “ruined” game, had the chance to stop and that’s somehow someone else’s fault? If I don’t like a game I don’t play it

It’s extremely competitive and fun when you go up against a good group. Which is the real reason most people premade, knowing that when they go up against another good team they’ve got good players on their side - not a bunch wimps who run away from every fight.

I wish way more people would premade, would make for some crazy games. I rarely have insane games while solo queuing, but get a lot when I premade

Premades should face other premades.
But also, there should be an easier way for a premade to queue up for an epic battleground. Like add a “premade epic battleground” queue where you get 30 people and queue up to face other full groups of 30 or something. No rating, just something more convenient than war games, and get premades out of the 1-5 player queues.


okay, so what if blizz implemented the following:

allow premades to queue as a raid, the rest of the system is cross faction.

then when a premade raid queues, the system can put them into a special raid holding queue for up to 5 minutes. this queue will be so it can try to put premade vs premade.

if there isn’t another premade raid to pair against the one in queue after 5 minutes, then it puts them into the regular mixed faction queue.

this doesn’t do away with premade vs pug matches entirely, there is still the possibility of that happening, but it does put a best effort in match premades vs premades and eliminates a lot of the negatives of syncing and its affects on other commuity games.

There’s nothing to argue. Playing with friends isn’t against the rules, and sync queueing isn’t against the rules.

There’s nothing in this game that entitles you to pug v pug games.

Premade raids should never be matched against a team of random pugs. It results in one-sided roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.

This does very little to help pugs, if at all. Premade raids would still continue to sync queues (e.g. to avoid other premade raids). Or, they’ll send in a scout and then drop their queue pop if they don’t like who they’re facing.

This would mainly just legitimize premade raids in random bgs. Blizzard would be supporting premade raids as they gy farm pugs and drive players away from PvP.

Waiting a token 5 minutes is hardly a “best effort”.

If there are no other premade raids queuing up in all of NA, that shows how unpopular premade raids are. Or, it shows that premade communities are continuing to game the system and they’re taking steps to avoid each other so they can roflstomp pugs.

Again, premade raids should never be matched against a team of random pugs. It results in one-sided roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.


premades already face pugs, allowing them to queue as a raid clears up the need to drop or scout which means pugs get a clean start to games instead of backfilling into a in prog 10v40 game.

allowing premades to queue as a raid also means that many are more likely to face each other than pugs as they don’t have to worry about going 15v40 in a split.

the 5 minute pre-queue ensures that if two premade raids exist in queue they are faced against each other first before allowing them to face pugs. this means that premade teams can get a chance to step in against other premades who just want to farm pugs. its also not so severe of a wait or restriction that it would drive premades back to syncing.

the twink queue solution wouldn’t work because there is no threat of leveling out of the max level/hlevel bracket. and players are more than capable of syncing solo if they have to in order to avoid attempts at restricting premades.

my solution is more akin to acknowledging and corralling premades to face each other than legitimizing straight pugstomping. the thing is if you want to get premades to agree to a premade v premade queue, they are going to want roster control.

and at the end of the day, everyone just wants the queue to pop, and thats why it should still default to putting the premade in the main queue if they have no opponent to face, all pvpers barring a minority would rather get into a game than sit in queue while knowing there is enough players to start a game.