reading the thread title my head went to bob barker.
Remember to spay and neuter your premades.
reading the thread title my head went to bob barker.
Remember to spay and neuter your premades.
I know it tries. It does not do it at all well.
I know because this would break groups apart and they would never get a queue pop as solo players dont want to be at the mercy of premade groups when there is no premade on their own team.
I do both. Whatever one pops first. I would just like to be in a game that is not premades vs pugs.
From what we saw in SoD, solo players would never get a pop.
Group play is far more common than you think. You’re actually the minority.
Didn’t they explicitly change it so that raids would only face other raids ?
Maybe I am the minority, but then how is Solo Shuffle Blitz so popular now ?
It’s rated. It draws in all the rated players.
Also, it allows non meta players to play a rated game.
In normal RBGs, the leader is looking for the meta comp, so non meta players don’t get in.
Theres really no reason to do regular bgs now unless you want to
Why mess with randoms, when you can do the same bgs, with greater rewards? Randoms are obsolete and kind of pointless.
Why can’t randoms be fun relaxing pvp like it was intended to be?
Because you take casual pvp seriously
I don’t it’s why I play randoms. The people that exploit to win in it are the problem.
The thing about blitz is that you can play it as a competitive rated mode where you try to climb rating, OR you can play it as just a better version of random battlegrounds with no premades, cross faction queues, faster games, role balancing, and better rewards.
For anyone who just enjoys queueing up for battlegrounds solo or with a healer friend, it’s just better in almost every way to random battlegrounds. Even if you don’t care about rating, it’s going to be a more enjoyable experience.
And to those who say they get losing streaks in blitz, during basically all of DF and Shadowlands I’d barely win any random or epic battlegrounds as Alliance because nearly every game was a PUG on my side vs a 5 player or queue synced premade on the enemy team, or maybe I just got unlucky every time. So yes, while blitz will have losing streaks, so does random battlegrounds.
(For some reason in War Within I seem to have a better experience even in random battlegrounds so far, but I assume that’s because the people who normally premade random battlegrounds are too busy in rated modes to gear up)
Ignore rating and Blitz is that, while excluding all the premade frackery.
I havent had issue in randoms or epics either tbh.
I had one Epic that was against a premade, (recognized the names), left and requeued after scaredy cat ended. Not a big deal.
Because of the sync abusers it’s no longer “casual”. These people have to be delt with if pvp is expected to survive.
It was also popular in DF when it was not rated.
I was comparing it to Random Battlegrounds not Rated Battlegrounds (of course people will want metas for Rated BGs).
It’s still a popular mode being solo / duo
Exact same issue here. Every match I’ve been in tonight was against a premade. As a result, Lost every match so far. Well over (10) losses in a row tonight now cause of premades.
Would be really nice if Blizzard did something about the premade issue.
It was the new thing. Everyone was testing it.
Except the few people who seemingly refuse to play unrated modes.
You weren’t comparing it to anything, you outright asked why it was popular:
Of course people will play it for a number of their own reasons. A rated BG mode without resorting to Rated Battlegrounds, avoiding premades as a solo player etc etc
I play it for both the above reasons.
But ultimately a solo queue mode is popular ? who would have guessed lol
Im seeing a number of wowclassic reddit posts about how premades are destroying things again now they have been allowed again haha rip
I’m seeing 2 in the last 20 hours, I don’t normally read it though.
The top one seems to be making fun of players like you:
I don’t play Classic wow but the picture did make me laugh
There you go again throwing insults around even though I literally broke my thought process down for you. You still dont understand.
You must be one of those guys that posts IQ scores thinking they are top shelf stuff
The problem with putting premade vs pug is that over time solo or duo players will just stop queueing up, making queue times longer and ironically making it MORE likely for the remaining solo players to be in matches against premades.
Talking about the 5 player premades who queue up normally, of course, not sync premades.
The game should try to put groups of players against groups of a similar size. If you queue up with 5 players, there should be a 4 or 5 player group on the enemy team to at least try to help balance things out a little. If it’s off-peak hours and there aren’t many people queueing making the wait take longer, then the game could start to expand the search.
But I will say I would rather wait an extra few minutes for a good match, than get into an almost guaranteed loss faster.
Heroes of the Storm had this issue. They had made some changes to matchmaking that made the games so much better quality. Like it was almost night and day. The roles were being balanced much better (no more 3 assassins vs 3 mage comps for example) and the games felt way more fair. And most importantly, a lot more fun!
However, Blizzard fairly quickly reversed course and reverted this new matchmaking because people were complaining that it was taking literally 1-2 minutes longer to get into a match. It was the difference between waiting 90 seconds for a match and 3 minutes and people did not like it one bit!
So the matchmaker went back to being pretty awful, with lots of lopsided matches in both team composition and skill levels and it’s been that way since I last played.
My point is that, for reasons, people will absolutely complain about having to wait a couple of extra minutes between games, even if it means a much better experience in the match itself. They just want to go go go as fast as possible, win or lose, and anything that slows that process down is wrong.
You mistake my not caring for not understanding.
As in, I don’t care that there are 5 man groups in the same queue as me.
I’m playing an MMO, I expect there to be groups.