Premades: Respect the pugs, Embrace War Games

It must really sting to know that after y’all’s clear and obvious attempt at bringing down the only community that you all fear, that it failed… miserably and pathetically. Since then, BSG has welcomed with open arms the very same people that you tried brainwashing against BSG and eventually ousted them for such a silly troll thread. Your emotions got the best of you and your true colors were exposed. You’ve mentioned several times that you try to mend bridges, yet you’re focusing on something from January 2024. This is October 2024.

P.S. Y’all might actually stand a chance against BSG if y’all ever actually build the courage to face us. Kitters is a phenomenal boomy, top 3 damage for sure!

PS: you’re mocking Kit’s name already. Did yall burn that bridge that quick?? Bruh


Hence the school yard bullies and mean girls analogy. AFK’s obsessed with appearances though, why they nuked their own post once it went south just yesterday.

Watch and wait, can’t keep a pretence forever. True personality always comes leaking out and 2ICs aren’t much better. Latest batch of conned recruits will wise up soon enough.

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Ironic you post here about oca AGAIN… This nein guy has been obsessed with oca for almost a year. rehashing old accusations and rumors he heard other people make, creating mean nicknames and trying to bully oca into defending himself on the forums…

I’m not saying oca isn’t a human that makes mistakes but this nein guy has been a &@#^ starter for quite a while. this dude was in bsg for like 5 minutes, quit and immediately #$#@ posted us on the forums like he had any idea what was going on.


Diddums. Could you call it bullying?

The irony and my sides.

Depends, do you think that would be a “mean” nickname or do you have a reading comprehension problem?

Hey, you lot came up with Nostars. I just embraced it.

They rant about Oca when confronted with questions about what BSG has done that’s so horrible, because there’s not much of substance to actually respond with. So they’re like “Oca’s kinda mean sometimes” :roll_eyes:

Where’s the WPVP AT!!! Thats what more premades should be doing… Jacking cities, killing kings and queens and out in the countryside stomping people… Some of these premades have to unbelievably, be selling wins playing epics… as crazy as that sounds… There’s usually like 5 - 8 hardcore God-Mode types and then at LEAST 20 clowns on same team with terrible dmg, no interrupts, no dispels or 1 - 2… It doesn’t make sense for these Thyraz, heavy hitter types to be rolling with such bad players… zero… so something not adding up.

Some of most EPIC battles I’ve ever seen were in Stormwind… man… when the Mage tower lower part was just glowing white-hot from the outside from all the magic/battles going on inside of it back in the day… Making all these new cities sanctuary has also killed the game… you know… called “WARcraft”… Now its more like lets all be friends and go dig for hidden treasure in our flamboyant pirate outfits craft. Sanctuary-craft… WM off while I sit on my Tundra mount with fluoride stare craft…

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almost like people are in fact playing with friends.

Nah, I checked that… I see the heavy hitter names over and over and over again… The bads’ names change all the time.

nobody is selling carries in epics, what would be the point?

Fun? Honor farming? People that literally suck that bad that they need that? Titles? Monthly quests? Who knows…

We had a good thing with the united communities, then you guys acted like a bunch of jacka$$e$ and got voted off the island. Can’t say that anyone is activly “dodging” SPM. Honestly, I don’t think we have run across your group at all…at least not while I’m playing. I don’t speak for everyone though. You reap what you sow, I guess.

That’s all good and fine but care to explain in your own words what SPM actually did though? Genuinely curious, because clearly I must be out of the loop.

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So far for this expansion I think I’ve done a total of ten epic bgs. They have all been ashran and all have lasted approximately 30 seconds. We’ve won one…epic bgs…are trash.

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Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Clearly Now (Video Version) (

Woohoo I leveled up in forum pvp and can post youtube links!! Just a gentle reminder that at the end of the day we all have our own communities and no one controls how or why one community does things differently than others. Worry about what you can control, right?

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I dunno. It had something to do with the “joke” thread from Kreinn about joining goats, but there was some behind the scenes BS that I’m not privey to. So there was more to it than that, but I trust the folks who made the decision to part ways. Honestly, I try not to get involved in these things, and I’m usually the last to find out.

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So all you have is a troll thread and that’s enough? It sounds to me like the lot of you overreacted and none of you have the backbone to admit that. RR booted members from their group that were part of SPM and had nothing to do with that troll thread. Arrogance and nothing else is keeping RR and DJT from admitting that they went too far over a harmless forum thread and none of you have given us any reason to not believe that.

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Most people making raid groups for bgs are terrible at the game and need to have discord and perfect group comps to win. Prove me wrong.

I’ve absolutely stomped a ton of premades with randoms and their play is absolutely laughable.

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Like I said…I wasnt privey to everything, but I trust the folks who decided.

These things don’t just happen in a vacuum. You get me?