Premades need to be stopped

yo just do blitz, BGs are gatekept by 5 mans using consumables and other buffs, it’s completely unplayable.

I would be shocked, the one thing BG blitz has that epic bg doesn’t is there are no factions in BG Blitz.

If there queues pop up same time, and they join, they will be put in opposite factions still.

The probability of organizing a controlled BG blitz is near impossibility. Sure you might get throwers, but another thing BG Blitz has over epic bgs are Rating, you can’t coordinate an organized takeover with rating differences.

The probabilities just isn’t there.

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Maybe they have 2 members on one side and 4 on the other. Guess which team gets to win?

Maybe they’re trying to help one member (e.g. their community’s leader/officer) win.


Putting aside the issue of being put onto opposite teams for a moment, do you think it’s nearly impossible to get multiple members into the same game?

If they can get into the same game, do you think they might decide which team gets to win?

No please leave it the way it is. Either we figure out how to simply adapt by reading leader instructions or don’t PvP BG’s anything. Stop whining because you suck and go play pve.

Yeah, i mean, im certain they will definitely try and they will probably takeover 1 or 2 games here or there to troll (rip for those who are in it), but ultimately i think it won’t be possible on a consistent basis, it would just take an absurd amount of time.

As you get higher in rating, you will see them less and less. because if one of them is throwing on one side, the other is gaining. it means premader goes up, the other premader goes down, then they won’t see each other anymore due to rating differences.

one thing i notice is the popularity of bg blitz, rare do i see the same people from next game to next.

and you know whats one thing i noticed? If I did see someone from my last game, they would often be on the other team (and vice versa). I don’t know if blizzard actually has some algorhythm, it could just be probability, but happens alot to me (and one of my favorite things about BG Blitz cause I love working with my enemies XD or telling them “you gave me hell last game”)

I just hope Blizzard has considered that there are players who will be trying to game the system to rig their matches. See what happened to random epic bgs.

Premade communities have a lot of players they can throw into the queue at the same time to try to get some of their members into the same game. That’s not fair to players who aren’t cheating.

Communities I’ve been running with seek out opponent premades for epic matches, and some of them have been awesome. Awesome tactics and counters and down to the wire wins and losses. WoW PvP at its best in my opinion.

Agree the Rofl stomps are in no-one’s interest but there’s this meta going on in the background that makes the game more fun; premade leaders stepping up to show how the game could be played, is being played.

Get involved. All the communities I’ve run with are very friendly, and highly friendly with each other.

They just wanna play some great matches and damn if they haven’t let me enjoy a few.


Which communities have you been running with?

How do they seek out opponent premades?

What happens when there isn’t a premade raid on the other team?


Well, then it’s a rofl stomp where everyone drinks pooka pots and runs around like idiots as pugs or cats.

What I didn’t add was that it’s a haven for healers. They get so much crap in random bgs/ebgs, but in a premade they’re appreciated and celebrated.

Didn’t encounter/appreciate great heals before rolling with the premades. They win the games.

Which communities have you been running with?

How do they seek out opponent premades?

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The fun ones. And no idea how they organise stuff, ask one of the leaders.

Personally, I have no issues with pre-mades. The problem lies when you are grouped with a team that has ZERO PvP gear (not even honor gear) and have no idea how to DPS or Heal. There are 4 realms that if I am grouped with I know it is a loss.

Well that’s kinda like doing PVE with a bunch of level 10s, but I get it - no-one wants to zone into a guaranteed ungeared loss. Premades smooth that over. Even better, a good epic lead smooths all of it over. (And the best premades are little but a lead who makes awesome calls IMHO.)

A good epic bg lead can turn any tide. If the rabble listens.

I hear you, but it isn’t just that players from those 4 realms are under geared, it is that they don’t know how to press buttons. I am not being sarcastic when I say this. Last week on my hunter I was top healing done even though we had two healers from those realms.

yes i noticed thier guild team. so i left before it started. i did the right thing to avoid that. i prevent the accident.