Premades need to be stopped

Yes, because that clearly is the case always huh?

It’s not ok to circumvent restrictions for an unfair, competitive advantage over the other team.

That’s called cheating.

It should be:

5 in a 40 player match - fair.
5 in a 10 player match - unfair.

5-person premades in a 10-person bg is a bit too many. They should probably limit it to 2-person premades.


So its cheating when my member capped guild with 100 people online manages to get 8-10 people in the same WSG/Arathi unintentionally?



Likelihood of chaos to be organized.

It’s easier to convince 10 players to push an objective against a premade than it is to convince 40, or even 20.

You don’t need the full 10 to rally together in a random BG. You just need 5 or so. In an Epic BG, you need to rally the majority, which is significantly harder.


The point is that we need growth, not a focus on the entertainment of premade bg’ers that only want to stomp on pugs. No one likes being farmed. NO ONE. So unless you’re trying to say new players would enjoy it, what’s the problem with what I said?


There’s no reasoning with these people. I honestly hope Blizzard gives them solo random BGs just so they’ll stop whining and randoms can just die for good.

Yeah, i dont get the hate against premade/sync, most of them arent even really doing callouts outside of “stand on X, head to Y” while spamming it in raid warning anyway. Majority of these people say the people who group and do this are awful players anyway, so its not like its unwinnable.


The delusions of grandeur in thinking that these premade bg communities are somehow the lifeblood of randoms. LMAO


Heh, 50% is 50%. Not convinced that 20 players grouped up in a 40 player match are more impactful compared to 5 in a 10.

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Believe it or not but playing with your friends actually makes the game fun! Wild… I know

That’s not the issue so don’t try to act like it is. You aren’t doing it to “play with friends.” As soon as you enter into a bg where the other team is also a premade, you leave.


Oh you have proof of me personally leaving?

Don’t waste your time.



If someone sees a 5 group stomp them they should think “oh I should make friends so I can play with a group”.

If anyone sees that and thinks “OMG this is so unfair I’m never doing this again” then they were never going to make it in PvP. Because the first time they come against a better coordinated team they will lose, or a better geared team, or a team with a better comp, etc. PvP is a zero sum game, sometimes you lose, if your response to losing is to cry and quit… then PvP aint for you. Simple as.


If your response is to stack your team and never lose… is that better?


You right this is weird.

Prolly best solution is to make the smallest BG a 15 man bg, then at most it’d be a third of the team.

There are so many varying levels of opinions in this thread that I can’t even tell who is on which side lol.

On paper, this looks to be true. But you gotta look at it defensively. When facing a premade in a WSG for example, can you rally the 10 to make a difference? Nope. But could I say “Hey heals and tank(tanky toon), come with me to the Flag and i’ll help with peels”? There’s a good chance that can resonate with someone. Just that small amount of coordination can help. The other 7 are going to continue to fight Mid, as they always do. But you can overcome.

In an Epic, if we are facing 20 organized players and getting stomped, and I start up with the “Groups 2-3 need to get on glaives when they spawn, need some heavy hitters with me to take WS and then use demos to counter glaives” what is the likely hood that even 5 players are going to rally?

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This has nothing to do with 5 man groups. It has to do with raids getting around the 5 man restriction by splitting up and syncing their ques.

Same old obfuscation.


Making friends and making your own group is better than whining and moaning on the forums to try and get the entire game changed to fit what you want. Yes.

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