Premades in Random BGs

It’s my thread when I’m the OP.

It’s not your thread when you’re the OP.

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Ive strictly solo q’d since late s3 of sl. Probably a hot take but i enjoy running into 5mans and the occasional 2 group sync q’d premades. In those games you can control alot more than you think. Tilt the best dps on thier team and laugh as they w key you the entire game. Ive won this way a few times because thankfully my team didnt afk. Some of those same players i see posting and bragging on the forums all the time lol.


Tired of fighting Alliance premades, should find a way to block that addon asap @blizzard premade in voice vs random 40 players is unacceptable.

There is no addon to queue 5 man groups.

^ This.

Especially when there aren’t supposed to be premade raids in random bgs.

I meant it in a way where Worldpvp was commenting/trolling (they are the same) on a thread and not in a form of ownership.

Apologies if it came across that way.

Keep stalking bud <3

I mean, it’s a small forum. Hard to not post at the same posters.

Yeah it is I understand that.

But I meant it in a way that Worldpvp seems to follow me when I comment on posts regarding things I agree with ie Premades in pvp and xp reduced exploits.

I don’t comment on things I have no opinion on.

He seems to have a genuine issue with me. Which is funny because I feel like he’s that dude that says nothing and is sheepish irl. Just my own personal thoughts on the matter.

Fair enough.

There’s that irony troll routine again.

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Im so flattered I have a stalker :stuck_out_tongue:

Shhhh he does the same thing but doesn’t notice the irony.

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Oh I’m aware. He was stalking you last time if I recall.

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Multiple times actually.

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Hey I was just calling you guys out and you never stood up. Its not my fault your baddies :frowning:

That’s me irl everytime you post. Your tears sustain me.

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Kinda sad your only happiness is sustained from me posting bro. But hey as long as it brings you happiness that someone out there does not think twice about you while I live rent-free in your head, im happy :slight_smile:

All day Horde has had premade and party sync 70s in the 61-69 bracket. I gave up Level 70 bgs are much better.

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“Doesn’t think twice about me” yet constantly comes in and responds directly to me in random threads. Sure :clown_face:

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