Premades in Random BGs

Take a look at the threads I respond to you on… its only the ones I have an opinion on. I’m sorry im rent-free in your head at this point but this is a serious You problem. I hope you resolve it :slight_smile:

Speaks for itself.

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Rent free baby x

That’s annoying.

Hope they stop.

I wonder why people do this.

Is it still fun after a game or two of stomping lower level toons?

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But they make it more awful people just leave. Great battle there…

It’s a form of twinking. They don’t care, as long as they stomp the opposition.

Yeah, but you’d think it gets boring after a few games.

If they want to PvE, why not just go PvE?

Probably honor farming. Basically think of a comp stomp.

you get more honor from winning fast, I’ll never understand why people think camping gy is efficient honor

Prob why I’m almost 1400 honor level and most epic bgers are barely 500

Some of us enjoy the art of the chase. Savor the taste of tears and blood. One of our rogues gets mad if we suggest a zerg ever.

You’re farming hk’s though not honor xD

Both. Both is good.

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Yeah, I just don’t get PvPers who basically turn their PvP into a PvE experience.

o wow another thread i found

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